Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201807

Melaleuca is experiencing growth like never before. It’s so exciting because Melaleuca is where lives change. The products change lives. The financial freedom that comes from residual income changes lives. After nearly 33 years of momentum, we’re changing more lives than ever. By developing the same kind of momentum, you can change your life too!

If you’re ready to get in on the action, a good place to start is with the master of motion himself, Sir Isaac Newton . While Newton’s Laws of Motion are the foundation of physics, they are also critical to the momentum of your Melaleuca business.

1 The First Law of Motion: An object’s motion (or lack of motion) cannot change unless it is acted upon by an external force. Translation: Force creates change. Your business is the object and you are the force. When you apply yourself to the Seven Critical Business-Building Activities, you’re applying the force that will move your business forward. If you don’t put effort into your business, it won’t go anywhere.

2 The Second Law of Motion: The greater the force, the faster the rate of change. The bigger the object,

3 The Third Law of Motion: For every action (force) there is an equal and opposite reaction (force). Translation: Even when you fully commit to your business, there will be obstacles that feel like they are pushing back as hard as you are pushing forward. But if you stick to the Seven Critical Activities and focus on helping others reach their goals, there is nothing you cannot overcome.

the more force is necessary to increase the rate of change.

Translation: The more effort you put into your business, the faster it will grow. It takes less force to get a smaller object in motion. That’s why it’s so important for every business builder to begin the right way. If you stop or slow down, it will take more effort to get your business growing again.



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