Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201807

How building your business face-to-face will increase your retention and develop leaders.

There’s a lot that technology can do to help you work smarter and faster as you build your business. Technology can help you be more productive. It shrinks distances. It shortens time. But there’s something that even the most advanced software can’t do: it can’t recreate the physiology of human interaction. Humans react in important ways when they’re together. These reactions—and our ability to interpret others’ reactions—are so deeply rooted in our biology that they’re easy to take for granted. Communicating through technology is certainly convenient, but it limits your ability to connect with others in these intrinsic ways. Even the biggest, most streamlined businesses in the world understand this distinction. Caesars Entertainment holds to this motto: “If it’s not that important, send an email. If it’s important but not mission critical, pick up the phone. If it’s critically important to the success of your organization, go see someone.” Melaleuca is a relationship business. The relationships you have with your contacts and new enrollees are critical to the success of your business—build them face-to-face. Presenting the Overview, helping a customer place the first order, and holding a Strategy Session—these are mission critical. Do them in person if you possibly can. In the event you can’t, that’s where technology can aid you. Technology is a wonderful aid—use it as a tool to help you manage and streamline your business. It will allow you to make time for what matters most. Make the effort to show up and be present for your business and you’ll be rewarded with dedicated customers, higher retention, and new business partners eager to follow your lead.


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