Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201807

T E A M , W H A T D I D W E L E A R N ?


Leadership in Action is more than reading material—it’s a training tool for you and your team! After reading this issue, turn education into action. Below you’ll find questions that you can ask yourself or use to engage your team in discussions to help everyone reach their goals.



F R A N K ’ S M E S S A G E : Success—It’s a Choice! Being successful is the difference between just having a dream and working to make it a reality. Your success doesn’t depend on starting with the best circumstances or advantage. Frank has seen that a positive attitude towards obstacles and hard work helps you come out on top. How will you react the best you can to your obstacles? How can you help your team choose a positive attitude for success? ›  › MA I N M E S S A G E Consistency is the key to achieving success in any part of life. What activities are you really consistent at? Make a plan and commit to becoming more consistent at one thing over the next 30 days. ›  ›  A D VA N C E M E N T S A recurring theme in this month’s advancement articles is teamwork and consistency. How do personal activities and teamwork relate to each other? ›  ›  B U S I N E S S T R A I N I N G A N D M I N D S E T Get honest with your team about how they talk about the Backup Order. If you or any presenters struggle with talking about the Backup Order, ask a presenter you admire in your support team for additional training. ›  ›  P R O D U C T T R A I N I N G A N D W E L L N E S S How does emerging research on gut health affect your business? Transitioning to new products can be tricky for new shoppers.  ›  › E V E N T S The date and location guide for Launch September 2018 is included in this month's magazine!

QUESTION OF THE MONTH Do you know of a life-changing experience that could be featured in a future issue? Tell us about it at anz@melaleuca.com




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