Section Seven: Summary A summary of the ELP findings, conclusion, and recommendations are provided in this section. I also acknowledge the limited capacity of my research, but encourage researchers to continue to explore other YISH design concepts shared in this study. The purpose of this ELP was for my project partner, Options Community Services Society (OCS), and me to engage in an action-oriented initiative with adults who identified as youth allies for the purpose of informing a systemic change in how young people, ages 12–24, access youth services. The goal of this project was to inform the design of a YISH through the lens of youth allies. The hope of this ELP was to support Surrey in establishing a Foundry, which is a youth service delivery that follows a YISH framework. The engaged inquiry question was: How might OCS support youth allies in informing the vision of a youth integrated services hub for Surrey, BC? The subquestions were guided by Beckhard and Harris’s (2009) states of change that explored the current state, ideal state, and possible steps to creating change in the area of improving experiences for young people. My subquestions were: 1. What are the current conditions for youth accessing health services in Surrey? 2. How might a Surrey YISH improve young people’s accessibility to services? 3. What role might allies take to support a SYISH? A survey and focus groups comprised the two methods used in this study, which provided processes that allowed for identifying six finding. The findings were: 1. A warm, welcoming, safe, and nurturing home-like environment that is inclusive to all youth, young adults, and their families of Surrey; 2. An integrated service site where providers genuinely collaborate and not compete;
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