Sarah Metcalfe has curves!
C ANDICE V ETTER candice.vetter@eap.on.ca
She’s active, bubbly and engaged in her twocommunities,includingbeinginvolved in Terry Fox Run activities, even though she’scurrentlyfightingbreastcanceraswell. Atlastyear’sRussell-EmbrunTerryFoxRun shecouldn’tattend,butfriendandcolleague Cindy Saucier dedicated the run to her. Metcalfe says she was heavy even as a
young child, and as a woman she became dangerously overweight. She finally had gastricbypasssurgery,anditwashersurgeon whosuggestedshejoinCurves. Says Metcalfe, “I was born heavy, I was alwaysheavy,Ihatedexercise.Iwasscaredto walk into a gym, but my doctor thought I neededtodosomethingandthatIcoulddo
this.”Shealsohasarthriticknees,andlearned thatbuildingupthemusclesaroundarthritic joints helped with pain, stiffness and flexibility. SportsmedicinedoctorDarrellMenard, of Russell, agrees. “The worst thing for arthritisistodonothing.Thephilosophyof sports medicine is to keep as active as you safely can.” He added, “If you don’t like one activity, do something else.” That is why Curves, where participants move frequently from one machine to another, seemedmanageable for Metcalfe. As her strength and fitness grew so did her determinationtorunherownfranchiseand continue with her healthier lifestyle. Metcalfe also started eating a better diet consistent with the principles of nutrition. She reports her energy increased, and says, “Even now, with the treatments, I’ve got good energy.” She was diagnosed last April,didsixmonthsofchemotherapyandis recovering from a mastectomy performed lastNovember.Thiswasfollowedbyradiation therapy which she is finishing next month. She credits the managers in her two gyms withhelpingherbalancecancertreatments with running both franchises. She also has alotofemotionalsupportfromsupporters. Her difficulty now is not being able to work out. “It’s doctor’s orders while I’m recovering, but the radiation will be done soon.” She adds, with a twinkle in her eye, “And then I’m taking a trip to Costa Rica.”
RUSSELL | Sarah Metcalfe owns two Curvesfitnessfranchises,herfirstonein Embrun and her newly-opened one in Ottawa,soit’ssurprisingtofindoutshe used toweigh 400 pounds.
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Artificial nails and aesthetics, microdermabrasion and ear/nose piercings 1131 Concession St., Russell, ON 613 445.0519 www.fingertipsetc.com finger tips. etc. Sarah Metcalfe, owner of two Curves franchises, including the one in Embrun, discusses healthy lifestyle choicesatherboothattheLivingLocally Fair inRussell.
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