13 Characteristics of Successful People
3. SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE ARE STRONGLY MOTIVATED TOWARD ACHIEVEMENT. They take great satisfaction in accomplishing a task. 4. SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE ARE FOCUSED. They concentrate on their main goals and objectives. They do not get sidetracked. They do not procrastinate. They work on projects that are important and do not allow those projects to sit until the last minute. They are productive, not just busy. 5. SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE LEARN HOW TO GET THINGS DONE. They use their skills, talents, energies, and knowledge to the fullest extent possible. They do the things that need to be done, not just the things they like to do. They are willing to work hard and commit themselves to getting the job done.
Every successful person has five traits:
Decisions are not put off or delayed, they are made now!
1. They have a dream. 2. They have a plan. 3. They have specific knowledge or training. 4. They’re willing to work hard. 5. They do not take no for an answer. Remember: Success begins with a state of mind. You must believe you will be successful to become a success.
COURAGE TO ADMIT THEIR MISTAKES. When they make a mistake, they admit it, fix it, and move on. They don’t waste a lot of time, energy, money, and/or other resources trying to defend a mistake or a bad decision. They’re motto is: Fess up when you mess up.
The following is a list of the skills, talents, and characteristics you will find in successful people.
They have the skills, talents, and training that are needed.
1. SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE HAVE A DREAM. They have a well-defined purpose. They have a definite goal. They know what they want. They are not easily influenced by the opinions of others. They have willpower. They have ideas. Their strong desire brings strong results. They go out and do things that others say cannot be done. Remember: People who excel in life are those who produce results, not excuses. Anybody can come up with excuses for why they have not made it. Those who want to succeed badly enough do not make excuses. 2. SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE HAVE AMBITION. They want to accomplish something. They have enthusiasm, commitment, and pride. They have self-discipline. They are willing to work hard and go the extra mile. They have a burning desire to succeed. They are willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done.
11. SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE HAVE SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE They know the things they need to know to be successful. And when they need information, knowledge, or skills and talents that they don’t possess, they find someone who does possess them.
RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR ACTIONS. They don’t make excuses. They don’t blame others. They don’t whine or complain.
AND COOPERATE WITH OTHER PEOPLE. They have positive, outgoing personalities. They surround themselves with people
They are opportunity-minded. When they see opportunities, they take advantage of them.
who offer them help, support, and encouragement. They are leaders.
They are excited by what they are doing, and that excitement is contagious. They draw people to them because these people want to work with them, do business with them, and be with them.
They think about the issues and relevant facts, give them adequate deliberation and consideration, and make a decision.
... continued from Cover
MISTAKE 5: SELLERS DO NOT PRICE THEIR BUSINESS CORRECTLY. Approximately 50% or more business owners do not know what their business is worth. Markets change constantly, and what a business was worth last year is not what it is worth this year. It is too easy for a business owner to leave money on the table because they don’t know what their business is worth. You are only going to get one chance to sell your business, so make sure you get professional help to ensure you are getting top dollar. MISTAKE 6: SELLERS WILL GIVE AWAY THE FARM WHEN SELLING THEIR BUSINESS. Some sellers give away all kinds of proprietary information without having the buyer sign an NDA (non-disclosure agreement). Giving away
certain information too soon can cost a seller not only money but confidentiality, which can impact the operations of the business if the word gets out that the business is for sale. MISTAKE 7: SELLERS DO NOT QUALIFY BUYERS. Less than 40% of deals handled between a buyer and seller come to fruition and close. Most deals fall apart because the buyer was never qualified in the first place. Do not waste your time on unqualified buyers. MISTAKE 8: SELLERS TRY TO SELL TO THEIR EMPLOYEES. Selling to an employee is a huge mistake. First of all, they are an employee for a reason, and that is because they do not have the mindset to be a business owner. Nine times out of 10, the sale falls
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