


of comfort and care for our students. They really get to know the learners coming in and align opportunities and resources with the interests of the students.” TR Leger has delivered the Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) program, also known as UIF4LJMMT 5SBJOJOHBOE&NQMPZNFOU1SFQB - SBUJPOQSPHSBN 45&1 GPSNPSFUIBO years in the Upper Canada school district. The program helps individuals build lite- racy and digital skills that prepare them for employment, independent living, pursuing an Ontario Secondary School Diploma, or attending college or university. TR Leger School serves approximately BEVMUMJUFSBDZTUVEFOUTBOOVBMMZ JODMV - ding a class in the St. Lawrence Valley Correctional Facility. TR Leger School has campuses in Alexandria, Almonte, Brockville, Carleton Place, Casselman, Cornwall, Dun- das, Gananoque, Hawkesbury, Kemptville, Morrisburg, Perth, Prescott, and Rockland. &/#3&'r#3*&'4 HYDRO ONE INTERRUPTION Certain Hydro One customers in Clarence- Rockland, Cumberland and Alfred-Plantagenet (South and North Plantagenet) will experience a six-hour Hydro One outage on Sunday, August 19, from 5 a.m. until 11 a.m., in order to adjust station settings. All Hydro One custom- ers affected by this planned maintenance interruption have already been contacted.

A special branch of the Upper Canada School District was honoured with natio- nal award for excellence. The Upper Canada District School Board’s (UCDSB) T.R. Leger School of Adult, Alterna- UJWFBOE$POUJOVJOH&EVDBUJPOSFDFJWFEUIJT year’s Council of the Federation of Canadian Premiers Literacy Award. The award recognizes outstanding achie- vement, innovative practice and excellence in literacy. The awards are presented each year, in each province and territory, to recognize

“ Our champions are our program instructors. They create a culture of comfort and care for our students.’’

the excellence of educators, volunteers, learners, community organizations and businesses in many areas including family, Indigenous, health, workplace and commu- nity literacy. “I’m really proud of the staff at all of our campuses’ stated Sandy McInnes, T.R. Leger principal. “They do outstanding work with our students, not just teaching but forming relationships with them to unders- tand their needs. Our champions are our program instructors. They create a culture

Les étudiants inscrits au programme de formation continue de TR Leger Schoo l du Upper Canada District School Board développent des compétences en littératie et en technologie. Le programme de formation continue de la TR Leger School est récipiendaire du prix du Conseil de la Fédération des premiers ministres du Canada pour l’alphabétisation de cette année.. —photo fournie

maisons de plain-pied en propriété absolue pour adultes

adult lifestyle freehold bungalow townhomes

Vivre sous le soleil c’est sans pareil!

life is sweet on the sunny side

of the street

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