

The May Show once again a success

Voix-La were entertaining visitors with great songs from bands such as Abba curing the May Show on Saturday.

VankleekHill residents, Jeff andMarilyn Yeaman. are enjoying the incredible paintings entitled Passions, hung in the Review office during the May Show on Saturday.

Je pense

soaps, woodcarvings, and much more. Three gallery exhibitions were showing artwork from several artists including paintings, mixed media, sculptures, and photography.Three Owls Studio had pottery from Robin Hutchison, Ceramic Sculpture from Maggy Rodan, paintings from Suzan Jephcott, and sculpture fromDonald Liardi. The Review Office heldmixedmedia from Suzan Cornthwaite Grenier, mixed media and decorated glass from Carole Renaud, and mixed media and original crafts from Madeleine Rathwell.The Arbor Gallery held an exhibition called “From the Ground Up: The Art of Up-cycling”, featuring the work of sculptor Ron Maitton of Cumberland and the photography by Peter De Gannes from Orléans. In the Arbor Gallery’s Studio B, “Reflections inMetal” held a special showing of Peter De Gannes’ photographs of vintage automobiles.


à vos lèvres

The 33 rd edition of theMay Showwas once again a great success as crowds of people came to enjoy visual arts, crafts, food, music, dancing, and friendship onMay 16. The rain seemed to hold off, giving in to a beautiful day for the show. Streets were filled with visitors from far and wide to enjoy the art, food, and company. Several musical guests were scheduled on themain stage throughout the day, keeping people bouncing, and singing along to favourite tunes. Food from several favourite local vendors also kept visitors happy and satisfied. More than 40 kiosks with one of a kind crafts for sale along Main Street included jewellery, ceramics, photographs, books, handmade

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JimMullin of the Glengarry Light Infantry was dressed in full regalia, offering tours of the Higginson Tower during theMay Show on Saturday. Seen here with local residents Sheila and Sandy Rourke.

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