
Eleventh-place finisher should get council seat

Question of the week

Question de la semaine Que pensez-vous de la proposition d avoir un casino à Cornwall?? What do you think of the idea of having a casino in Cornwall??

so someone who did not run in the last elec- tion could also be appointed to fill the va- cancy. This amended procedural bylaw was passed at last Monday’s council meeting. This amendment was not necessary. The city’s bylaw concerning the 11th place finisher does not contradict the Ontario

To the editor:

I am disappointed with the resignation of Leslie O’Shaughnessy, it is a great lost to Cornwall’s city council. However it was his choice, and I will respect that, and I wish him the best in his future en- deavours.

Now the Ontario Munici- pal Act requires that city council either appoint a new member or call for a by-election within 60 days of O’Shaughnessy’s resig- nation.

Municipal Act, and therefore it is still a valid law. Further- more it creates transparency, and it best respects voters choices and the democratic process. The original bylaw, offering the seat to the 11th place fin- isher, makes a lot of sense to me and I support it.

« Je ne suis pas d#accord. À mon avis, ce sont des taxes cachées. »

I don’t think the municipality has any intention of having a by-election, therefore

Sylvie Houle

I hope Cornwall’s municipal council

The city had a good proce- dural bylaw which stated the 11th place finisher in the 2010 municipal election, in this case Gerry Samson, would be first offered the post. If Samson did not qualify or accept, Mary Ann Hug would be offered the seat next. However, despite this fair and sound bylaw, the Ontario Municipal Act does state that any member of the public can be of- fered the post. City councillors Denis Thibault, Bernadette Clement, and Maurice Dupelle, along with the city clerk, revised the bylaw to conformwith the Ontario Municipal Act,

does the right thing, and offers the seat to Gerry Samson first.

I don’t think the municipal- ity has any intention of hav- ing a by-election, therefore I hope Cornwall’s municipal council does the right thing, and offers the seat to Gerry Samson first. If he qualifies for it and accepts the job, he should be Cornwall’s next city councillor. It’s fair, and it best represents and respects the will of those who cast a ballot in the last election.

We#d be creating jobs, but on the other hand, there#s the potential of addiction, and that could affect the families.There are other ways to do fun things in Cornwalll.

Jason St-Louis

Jason Setnyk Cornwall

I don#t think it#s a good idea. It gets people spend- ing money they don#t have and we already have one in Akwesasne.

Retraite a 65 ou avions F-35

Pourtant, l’OCDE, le directeur parlemen- taire du budget, et d’autres grands spécial- istes ont tous confirmé que le Canada n’est pas confronté à une crise des pensions. Il semble que le gouvernement en place à d’autres priorités: les avions F-35, les mé- gaprisons, la division au sein de la popula- tion canadienne ainsi que la publicité négative. Sur ce, la retraite à 67 ans c’est inaccept- able. Mario Leclerc Candidat NPD fédérales 2011 Stormont, Dundas et Glengarry sud employment issues, a casino would be truly destructive. Some may argue that there is already a casino a car ride away from Cornwall, and that a casino here would generate revenue for the city. They are all valid points, however that does not trump the moral issue that casinos are addictive and harmful to many people. Our municipal government should at the very least consult residents before going ahead with this disastrous plan. I hope Cornwall’s city government has the vision and sense to stop the spread of gov- ernment-sanctioned gambling in this province. Doctors live by the oath “Primum non no- cere” (First, do no harm), and politicians should live by that same creed.

Lettre au rédacteur:

Donald Laplante

Le budget fédéral va couper les presta- tions de retraite en faisant passer l’âge d’admissibilité à la sécurité de la vieil- lesse et au supplément de revenu garanti de 65 à 67 ans. Ceci représente un manque à gagner de 13,000$ durant vos vieux jours. Pour les aînés à faible revenu, c’est encore pire. Ils risquent de perdre jusqu’à 30,000$, ce qui pourrait accroître d’un tiers le niveau de pauvreté des aînés. On tente d’équilibrer le budget sur le dos des aînés et sur le dos des provinces.

« Cornwall a besoin d#un endroit comme le Casino. Il faudrait qu#il soit plus beau, plus attrayant pour que les gens viennent ici au lieu d#aller à celui d#Akwesasne »

Andrew Chisholm

City of Cornwall should bet against a casino

30 500 copies

To the editor:

625, ch Montréal, Cornwall, Ontario K6H 1C3 Tel.:

Gambling is a dangerous and addictive vice. In moderation it can be fun, how- ever it also causes serious harm such as bankruptcy, divorce, and even suicide. Now that McGuinty has recklessly opened the door for casinos, the Municipal Govern- ment here in Cornwall will explore the issue. Glen Grant and David Murphy both seem to be in favour of a casino. So why are casinos a bad idea? Here is a quote from Rob Simpson, head of the On- tario Problem Gambling Research Centre, as published in the Globe and Mail: “The bottom line is that gambling is the only gov- ernment initiative that knowingly harms the people it is elected to serve. “ The government of Ontario spends $36 million to address gambling addiction, but spends half a billion marketing gambling. In a city like Cornwall that has poverty and

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Jason Setnyk Cornwall

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