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Sortie de théâtre Le Club Amicale Belle Rive organise une sortie le 23 aout, pour aller voir la pièce de théâtre Broue avec Benoit Brière (souper au Buffet des continents). Réservation : Laurent 613-296-4685 Cérémonie au cimetière à Hammond La cérémonie au cimetière Saint-Ma- thieu de Hammond aura lieu le 25 aout, à 15h, au cimetière Saint-Mathieu, 1240, chemin Lacroix, Hammond. Apportez vos chaises. Voyage Mille-Îles Le Club Bourg’joie d’or organise un voyage aux Mille-Îles, les 26, 27, 28 et 29 aout. Plusieurs activités sont incluses : certains repas, visite au pénitencier de Kingston, casino, croisière des Mille-Îles et plusieurs autres. Information : Desneiges au 613-487-2443. Souper de doré Les Chevaliers de Colomb de Wendover organisent un souper de doré au Centre communautaire Lucien Delorme le 7 sept.

2019, de 17h30 à 19h. Info Raymond Viau au 613-673-4840 ou Donat Boulerice au 613-673-5919. Souper des C de C de Wendover Les Chevaliers de Colomb de Wendover vous invitent à leur souper de fèves au lard, macaroni à la viande et pâté chinois au Centre communautaire Lucien Delorme, à Wendover, le 13 septembre de 17h à 19h. Info : Donat au 613-673-5919 ou Raymond au 613-673-4840. Cérémonie au cimetière : Curran La cérémonie au cimetière aura lieu le 15 septembre en l’église St-Luc de Curran à 10h30. Après la cérémonie il y aura un repas au Centre communautaire situé en face de l’église. Réservation : Carole Mainville au 613-673-5490. Club Fil d’Argent de Rockland Le Club Fil d’Argent de Rockland est à la recherche de participants pour leur bazar annuel, les 2 et 3 novembre pro- chain. Information : Denise Louisseize au 613-324-0069

Rivers have surged over their banks this spring, flooding hundreds of homes, businesses and cottages. The Ottawa, Muskoka, French and Mattagami rivers (and many others) have flooded, and the risk now extends to lakes as well. “Forecast high winds […] will pose addi- tional flood hazards along the shorelines of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario due to high water, wind driven storm surge and damages due to erosive wave action,” read a late May warning from the province’s flood forecasting system. While provincial funding cuts for flood work have been imposed on Ontario Conser- vation Authorities, 14 of them have issued flood warnings. In the 1920s and 1930s, flooding was commonplace in Ontario. Edmund Zavitz, Chief Forester of Ontario a century ago, traced the problem to deforestation. Settlers had cleared most of southern and eastern Ontario, leaving a bare-bones forest cover of about nine per cent. The Thames and Ganaraska watersheds were down to about four per cent forest cover. The indiscriminate clearing had strip- ped away some of the key features that absorb rainfall surges, such as swamps and

wetlands along creeks. Deserts spread. Sand dunes engulfed orchards and roads. There was nothing to soak up the rain and flash floods multiplied. Zavitz offered a simple solution. Plant trees, he said. Tree roots hold back riverbanks and prevent erosion. Trees act as sponges, soaking up rainwater; the trees release water into the atmosphere through what’s called transpiration. This is a benefit of sufficient forest cover. Forests Ontario, the tree-planting and forest education charity, has planted large quantities of trees across the province in the past 12 years. Government support through the 50 Mil- lion Tree Program has kept down the price of trees, encouraging private landowners to turn fields into forests. These afforestation programs benefit us all, because they reduce the risk of floods and erosion. In its April budget, the government of Pre- mier Doug Ford cut the funding for Ontario’s 50 Million Tree Program.

Le Lien communautaire est réservé uniquement aux organismes sans but lucratif de la communauté qui souhaitent annoncer des événements à venir. Dans la mesure du possible, veuillez nous faire parvenir l’information par courriel une semaine à l’avance. The Community Link is solely reserved to non-profit community groups who wish to announce upcoming events. Please send us the information one week in advance by email. Priorities will be decided according to the number of events and the available space. ENVOYER À | SEND TO:

Rob Keen CEO, Forests Ontario

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