Livre Blanc Edition 2019

«All taxable subjects whether insurers or insurance intermediaries, are bound by the Insurance Code to produce a set of documents and provide information periodically in a standardized form. We thus receive from insurance companies, summary statements twice a year, as well as a financial and statistical file that include forty statements. We also receive other reports, including the credit and audit reports, the minutes of the boards’ meetings. All this information is communicated on paper and electronic form. We then, perform procedural and substantive control in order to check the consistency of data and the respect of all the calculations and rating processes. We also verify prudential ratios, results analysis and credits reports. Like all regulators, ACAPS has included in its 2018-2020 strategic plan, a strategic axis which aims improving the agility and responsiveness of the Authority in relation to all taxable subjects, whether in terms of organization or information system. For example, for the support function, we have created an EDM (electronic document management)

White Paper on innovation and technology at the service of finance


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