Livre Blanc Edition 2019

system which allows the dematerialization of received documents. This allowed us to streamline and automate all the tasks that were performed manually or required the intervention of several actors. In terms of business, and following the extension of the distribution network, we initiated a platform project between ACAPS and all the insurance intermediaries. This will enable theAuthority to have a targeted control with its taxable subjects. This same platform will allow intermediaries to proceed with approval requests or have their document integrated. With regard to insurers, in preparation for the risk-based solvency project, the Authority is in the process of automating all its processes, whether it is the reception of reports or data processing. This project is halfway to be completed. We have already received some summary statements from insurance companies. This future platform will enable the management of exchanges’ regulatory deadlines and to automate the rules for managing and monitoring the exhaustiveness and consistency of data. It will ultimately generate dynamic dashboards and templates.»

White Paper on innovation and technology at the service of finance


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