Livre Blanc Edition 2019

the functional and technical aspects of the solutions offered by fintech and which are often based on new technologies, such as APIs, Blockchain or even artificial intelligence... This is why, several Central Banks have set up structures assigned to ensuring good interaction with fintech, on the one hand, and to experiment with new technologies in response to their own needs on the other hand. As for Bank Al-Maghrib, our strategic plan2019- 2023 includes a digital strategy that aims both to transform the Bank as a business and its role in the digitalization of financial services. In this context, we will explore what these new technologies can bring us to perform our businesses differently, in particular by exploiting the potential of data. The use of the latest data analysis technologies will strengthen the Bank’s ability to process, as well as to analyze a growing inflow of data from its ecosystem. Big Data and artificial intelligence will facilitate the use

White Paper on innovation and technology at the service of finance


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