The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 3. 2019-20 - Summer term For specific class information see For dates see Ancient Greece ThroƵgh ƚhiƐ ƚopic ǁe ǁill be linking ƚo Greek ƐƚƵdLJ͘ ThiƐ ƚopic iƐ aboƵƚ knoǁing and ƵnderƐƚanding ƚhe impacƚ of Ancienƚ GreekƐ on ƵƐ ƚodaLJ aƐ ǁell aƐ eǀerLJdaLJ life from Ancienƚ Greece͘ To inƐpire ƚhe children aƚ ƚhe Ɛƚarƚ of ƚhe ƚopic ǁe ǁill ƵƐe ͚Noǁ PreƐƐ PlaLJ͛͘ OƵr edƵcaƚional ǀiƐiƚ ǁill be ƚo Zorba͛Ɛ Greek ReƐƚaƵranƚ in CoǀenƚrLJ aƐ ƚhiƐ ǁill proǀide ƚhe children ǁiƚh ƚhe opporƚƵniƚLJ ƚo ƚaƐƚe Ɛome aƵƚhenƚic Greek food͕ ƚake parƚ in Ɛome Greek dancing͕ comparing Ancienƚ and Modern Greece and ǁriƚe ƚheir nameƐ ƵƐing ƚhe Greek alphabeƚ͘ We ǁill be holding a Greek DaLJ aƚ ƚhe end of ƚhe ƚerm aƐ a celebraƚion of ƚheir learning in ǁhich parenƚƐ ǁill be inǀiƚed in ƚo ƚaƐƚe ƚhe delicioƵƐ Greek food prepared bLJ ƚheir children͘ BƵckeƚ liƐƚ opporƚƵniƚieƐ inclƵde cooking a Greek meal and ǀiƐiƚing a reƐƚaƵranƚ͘ Life ƐkillƐ prepping raǁ food ƚo folloǁ a recipe͕ Ɛeƚƚing a ƚable and Ɛerǀing food ƚo oƚherƐ͘ Sofƚ ƐkillƐ conƚinƵe ǁiƚh deciƐion making͕ creaƚiǀe ƚhinking and ƚeamǁork͘
Science Building on from previous knowledge, children will explore and sort a range of leaves. The children are introduced to the different parts of a plant focussing on the role and function of the leaf, stem, root and the flower through investigations and observing changes over time. The children will investigate how water is transported through a plant. They will be looking at how flowers enable a plant to reproduce, and how seeds are dispersed. They will also be looking at how plants, like animals, have adapted to their environment. We will be investigating the important role of bees in plant reproduction. descriptions, emotive sentences and time conjunctions. Poetry features include looking at different types of poetry rhythm, rhyme metaphor and similes. The features of suspense will include how to build suspense and tension through different sentence types. English English in Year 3 is based around the topics we are studying. We will continue to use the Talk for Writing (T4W) strategy which is based on children͛s speaking and listening͘ They are delivered through 3 wee k blocks͘ ͚Ancient Greeks͛ is the topic which will inspire this term͛s texts͘ The genres to be covered are: Myths and Legends, Poetry and Suspense. In Myths and Legends we will focus on character
Music This unit focuses on children using the correct pitch, beat and tune of music. The children will learn to sing a song based upon friendship. Children will use their recorders and/or glockenspiels to play along with the song. (this is a good opportunity to introduce the glockenspiel to children, especially whose who have found controlling their breathing with the recorder difficult). French This term, the children will gain an understanding of key French words relating to instruments, fruits and vegetables. Children will have a scaffold to help them to read and write simple phrases about each area. The children will have the opportunity to write using a close procedure activity, progressing onto writing their own simple sentence about each of these areas. We will also be looking at Little Red Riding Hood. Through this story we will be looking at the masculine, feminine and plural categories.
PE During Summer 1 children will be focusing on Athletics. They will be using running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination. They will be developing flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance through Athletics. In Summer 2 we will be concentrating on striking and fielding games in particular Rounders. The children will be playing competitive games and applying basic principles suitable for attacking and defending. There will be opportunities during the term to use and apply the children͛s learning in a range of different contexts and representations͘ Mathematics We will continue to work on developing the recall of x tables͘ The expectation is that, by the end of Year ϯ pupils should be able to recall Ϯ,ϱ,ϭϬ x tables as well as ϰ,ϴ,ϯ x tables and their division facts quickly͘ Other topics to be covered will be fractions, time, shape, mass and capacity, length and perimeter and number which will be consolidating mental strategies and written methods͘
History Children will conduct a study of the Ancient Greeks. They will develop their historical enquiry skills through examining a range of sources choosing sources to support their ideas (now press play, internet searches and book work). The children will use their knowledge to give reasons as to why they think things have happened. The children will gain an understanding of the impact of Ancient Greeks on us to-day as well as everyday life from Ancient Greece through studying the culture of the ancient Greeks cumulating in a Greek day celebration where the children prepare traditional meals for parents and showcase their knowledge of the period. Art & Design Year ϯ move on from year Ϯ͛s sculpting, by using clay to create a Greek pot using the coil technique, involving using the score and slip methods. They explore examples, study appropriate colours and patterns before designing their own. They will be studying Greek mosaics and creating their own mosaic pictures and patterns. They will be creating their own Greek masks and looking at the importance and influence of Greek theatre.
Design Technology Within Science lessons, year 3 have looked at where food comes from and what a healthy, balanced meal looks like. They will then use this to look, design and make food for Greek day which they will serve to their parents. This food includes: tzatziki, moussaka, houmous, Greek salad etc. See also the links to Art and Design, creating Greek pots and theatre masks. area has changed compared to modern maps. The children will have a first look at how land use affects trades and how settlements interact sometimes harmoniously and sometimes resulting in conflict and suggest geographical reasons for these i.e benefits of different lands. The children will look at modern Greece and infer based on the geographical locational knowledge why people may want to visit this area and routes they may take. The children will also examine and draw relief maps of ancient Greece. Geography This unit will further develop their understanding of another European country and how the mapping of this
Children will be building on their skill of recording a video from Year 1. Children will collaborate in a group to record an activity which will then be edited using iMovie for the first time. Children will record an athletic activity, then edit by adding sound. This further develops the audio recording skills from Year 1 Religious Education During Summer 1, the children will be looking at what it is like to be Jewish. They will identify and explain Jewish beliefs about family, Synagogue celebrations and the Torah. Children will explore the links between the story of the Exodus and Jewish beliefs about God and his relationship with the Jewish people. In Summer 2, the children will be learning about the Trinity and why it is important for Christians. Children already have an understanding of what a Gospel is and will look in more detail at stories from the Gospels, their meaning and what they mean to Christians today.
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