Summer term curriculum maps 2020

Computing Children will be learning how to be weather reporters. They are going to gather and collect the information using equipment and data sheets, then using this information, the children will create a weather report using computer software, they will then report this to each other and we will video the report too. Sound: The children identify how sound travels through the air and different objects. They move on to the pitch and volume of sound and how this can be changed and affected, Part of this unit is linked through the use of musical instruments. Teeth: The children identify different types of teeth and their functions. There is a focus on how to keep the teeth healthy and investigate decay and enamel through practical work. There is also an introduction to the digestive system, the names of the different parts and their functions. English The Units of Writing will be newspaper, persuasive writing, explanation text and poetry. We will focus on the following sentence types: de:de, superlatives, 2A sentence, verbing (-ing and ʹlLJͿ͕ ͚when͛ sentence, adverbs, similes, alliteration, metaphors, personification, onomatopoeia, rhyme, many questions sentence and a dash sentence. We will develop ͚writers͛ toolkits͛ to enable us to bring about these aspects ;e͘g͘ personification) in our writing. Our reading comprehension, we be looking at a range of text types to improve inference and deducing skills. SPAG: Imperative verbs, powerful adjectives, identifying superlatives, pronouns, compound adjectives, apostrophes for possession and contraction. Science

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 4. 2019-20 - Summer term For specific class information see For dates see Our topic is Italy Through this topic we will be linking our history knowledge of the Romans, to our art work and DT work. We will be creating Roman shields in art and making and designing Roman catapults. Children will be developing their knowledge of the Romans by performing in a Roman assembly, this links to soft skills of communication, empathy, decision making and working with others, through good co- operation and teamwork. Children will also be participating in a Italian day where they will experience Italian food. This topic is about knowing and understanding what it was like in Roman Britain. How it felt for the Roman soldiers and British tribes. How the Romans fitted into the British history time line. What the Romans legacy was and how we still use some of their ideas today. Our educational visit will be to ‘The Lunt͛ a Roman Fort, from our Bucket List. This will provide children with the opportunity to recognise and understand what life was like for a Roman soldier. They will have opportunity to explore the Roman Fort and do drills. We will be holding a sewing session for parents/carers to attend, linked to life skills. The children have explored different stitches and will be sharing their expertise to make a book mark.

Mathematics During the summer term children will be developing their reasoning, thinking, explaining and problem solving. Areas of coverage are: Decimals/Money - comparing, ordering and rounding decimals. Dividing by 10 and a 100.Knowing what 0.1 and 0.01 mean. Understand fraction and decimal equivalence. Know pounds and pence. Time- convert units of time. Able to tell the time in 24hr to nearest minute. Can convert different digital and analogue times. Statistics -Can understand a variety of graphs and scales. Geometry- Identify, compare and order different angles. Recognise regular and irregular shapes. Classify triangles, quadrilaterals and identify lines of symmetry.Understand quadrants and coordinates. French During this term, the children will continue to develop their understanding of the French language, through a unit called ͚Les Romains͛ all about The Romans͕ theLJ will be exposed to short texts and they will continue to develop their key vocabulary. The children will be provided with opportunities to copy and repeat phrases and to write sentences from memory. The children will progress onto writing full sentences independently using key vocabulary that has been learnt.

History Children develop through their

understanding of the Romans, British history. The chronology of where the Romans fit into the bigger picture. The children will know which countries were part of the Roman Empire and how this impacted on British people. The children will learn about Boudicca and her influence on the world today. Through their study of the Romans the children see the legacy of the Romans on Britain today.

PE Children will continue to swim weekly in order to swim at least 25m. on their front or back confidently. The children will have developed water safety skills, and how to be safe near canals and rivers. Children will also be developing their athletic skills in running and throwing. The children will develop their sprinting techniques and aiming for effective 60m sprints and more sustained running technique over longer distances. Children will explore different throwing techniques to improve shot, discus and javelin distances. Art & Design Children will explore brush and paint techniques. The children will use inspiration from Roman shields, Gods and Goddesses symbols and colours to design and create a Roman shield for their personality. The children will experiment with different paint types and brushes to create a Roman shield.

Geography Through the topic of Romans Children explore the historic land use of Britain and the impact that Roman roads have on the land in Britain today. Children build on their map making skills by mapping out Roman roads. They examine the Roman invasion path looking at wider Europe and how this has changed over time. The children will discover different settlements and why the Romans settled where they did. The children will also develop an understanding of volcanoes which will be linked to Pompeii.


Religious Education

In this unit, the children will look at the history of The Beatles and learn one of their songs about civil rights called ͚Blackbird͛ . The children will listen to and appreciate other music by The Beatles. Use the music explorer composition tool for the children to create some of their own musical compositions. Use some of these and play them, using a 3 note set (C, D and E)

Design Technology

For Christians, what was the impact of Pentecost? Recall learning from Unit LϮ about belief in Jesus͛ death and resurrection of Jesus. Make links between the story of Pentecost and Christian beliefs about the ͚Kingdom of God͛ on earth͘ Values: What matters most to Christians and Humanists? Links are made to previous learning about Christian beliefs that we are made in the image of God and also sinful . Reflect on the question ͚whLJ do people do good things and bad things͍͛

By this point in the year, the children should be reasonably confident when sewing and will make their own bookmark applying their skills. This term the children will be focussing on cooking. As their topic is the Romans, the food will be mainly Italian ʹ pasta dishes and pizza (including making the base). Children will also be designing and making a Roman catapult.

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