Summer term curriculum maps 2020

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 6 2019-20 - Summer term For specific class information see For dates see

Music As part of the preparation for our magnificent end of year show, The Pirates of The Currybean, year 6 will learn several songs as a whole year group. Some of the songs will split into 2 or more groups and different sections, allowing the children to explore singing in unison, a round and split part singing. In music lessons, glockenspiels or recorders will be used to follow sheet music. Within this unit, the children will learn riffs and use them as building blocks to make up their own tunes and to improvise around existing tunes written by Carole King! Geography Following on from the work that has already been done this year on direction, grid references, longitude and latitude, we will be extending our knowledge to the reading of scales and contour lines on an OS map. These are essential pirate skills, required for the hiding, and finding, of treasure on desert islands! The children will make their own scale drawings and maps, using scales based around the power of 10. We will use photographs combined with both standard and non-standard measurements to create an accurate map of real and imaginary places. Mathematics During the summer term our focus in Maths will be on reasoning and problem solving Ͷ tackling questions which may require a number of mathematical skills and the application of a wide range of learning from throughout the year. We will also be working on units designed to ensure a smooth transition into Year 7, focussing on using a variety of different mathematical skills when problem solving, identifying number patterns & sequences and using elements of maths to inspire art work. The starting point for much of this work will be the Fibonacci sequence of numbers and ƚhe concepƚ of ƚhe ͚Golden Raƚio͛ .

Computing This term we will use Purple Mash resources to develop our coding skills, building on the work that was done in year 5. There will be a big focus on developing good planning skills, using flow charts and simulations. Pupils will design programs using their choice of objects - giving specific actions to each object, using their new programming knowledge. Whilst building an on-line game, we will learn how to debug a program and organise the code into functions which can be called upon when needed in the program. Ultimately, we will build a text based adventure game which will have user inputs and which will be playable online. Religious Education In oƵr firsƚ Ƶniƚ of ǁork͕ ͚Whaƚ kind of king ǁas JesƵs͍͛ we will ask ͚ what kind of world did Jesus want ͍͛ This units touches on how the Bible stories show the love that Jesus gave to others, and demonstrates what type of person he was. Children will compare the similarities and differences between Jesus and some of the leaders around the world today. Our sec ond Ƶniƚ of ǁork͕ enƚiƚled ͚Whaƚ impacƚ do people͛s beliefs haǀe in ƚheir liǀes͍͛ coǀers Sikh͕ MƵslim and Chrisƚian beliefs. This unit looks at spiritualism, teaching children that being spiritual is about their own self. Children will make clear connections between beliefs and different forms of expression ʹ art, architecture and music. From this they will raise questions about how they might express their own spiritual ideas. Science During the summer term, we will be looking at the topics of evolution, natural selection and fossils. The children will be looking at Charles Darwin and his impact on science. They will explore how humans have evolved and changed over time. Also, the children will explore the cross breeding of animals and plants for a specific purpose and will analyse the positive and negative impact of this. They will learn about natural selection, how living things change over time and about extinction. We will be exploring fossils and what information they hold about the Earth from millions of years ago. Also, the children will look how plants and animals are adapted to suit their environment. English The Units of Writing will include Narrative, where the children will have the opportunity to develop and improǀe ƚheir Ƶse of dialogƵe ƚo ͚moǀe ploƚs forǁard͛͘ Poetry will also be coǀered͘ ͚The Sea͛ poem bLJ James Reeves will be used as a stimulus to write a poem using metaphor along with letter/Argument writing. ͚TreasƵre Island͛ by R.L. Stevenson will be the reading focus. This will be used for comprehension and Guided Reading activities and ideas to enhance the writing units. SPAG ʹ the focus will be the use of varied punctuation and cohesive devices i.e. use of connectives, synonyms and Ƶse of ǀaried ͚adǀerbials͛͘ Sp lling if appropriat

Our topic this term is ͞Shiver me timbers͊͟ Ahoy me hearties!

What is a pirate? Who were they? Were they real? Do we have any today?

Nothing stirs the curiosity quite like stories of swashbuckling pirates and their tales of plunder. As a result, Year 6 will journey into the world of piracy ʹ historical, fictional and modern. Through this topic, we will be linking our Year 6 Leavers Production ͚Piraƚes of The CƵrrLJbean͛ into our summer curriculum. We will be developing many areas of pƵpils͛ history and geography knowledge from our Explorers topic in the spring term, whilst looking at The Golden Age of Piracy. This will be done by analysing and questioning historical and fictional sources, as well as knowing and understanding the significant people and events across time and making links to modern day piracy that still exists. Throughout the term, we will rehearse for our end of year show, during which time the children will work together to make props and scenery; they will learn to present themselves on stage and project their voices to an audience and they will help each other to develop their performances to the highest possible standard, Our educational visit will be a visit to the Lapworth Museum of Geology at The University of Birmingham, as ƚhis ǁill proǀide children ǁiƚh ƚhe opporƚƵniƚLJ ƚo edžamine fossils Ƶp close and ƚake parƚ in ͚MighƚLJ Monsƚers͛ and ͚EǀolƵƚion͛ ǁorkshops͕ ǁhich ǁill sƵpporƚ oƵr science ƚopic ƚhis ƚerm͘

Calibri font. 12pt subject name; 8 point text. At a push go to 7 if needed.

History This term the children will be building on their knowledge and explore the exploits of Drake as a pirate and other most notorious pirates, such as the infamous Blackbeard. They will be given the opportunity to make links between events and changes such as The Age of Piracy during the 17th and 18th centuries as well as giving reasons and explaining that piracy still exists today in some parts of the world. Pupils will identify and describe the changes between The Golden Age of Piracy and modern day piracy. The children will also be making historical enquiries in analysing sources of information for accuracy. Art & Design AnƚonLJ GormleLJ͛s scƵlpƚƵres on CorbLJ beach ǁill be ƚhe stimulus for the children to do their own wire sculptures. This work coincides with the Year 6 trip to Liverpool. SƚaLJing ǁiƚh ƚhe ͚sea͛ ;see EnglishͿ ƚheme͕ ǁe ǁill look aƚ the work of seascape artists, particularly that of Katsushika Hokusai. Children will then explore and deǀelop ƚhe ͚impasƚo͛ ƚechniqƵe ƚo pro duce their own seascapes. This term will allow the children to be ͚independenƚ arƚisƚs͛ ǁhere ƚhe can deǀelop ƚheir oǁn ideas in their individual sketchbooks.

PE In athletics, pupils will develop their sprinting skills by combining sprinting with low hurdles. They will learn to throw accurately and refine their performance by analysing technique and body shape. Jumping skills will be developed by improving control in take-off and landings. During lessons, and at sports day, pupils will compete with others and keep track of personal best performances, setting targets for improvement. In cricket, children will progress from their learning in Y4 by bowling, striking and fielding with increased accuracy and thought.

MFL ʹ French

Design Technology A vi siƚ ƚo Lordsǁood Girls͛ school is ƚo be arranged͕ ǁhere the children will be making a pasta bake and work in a ͚cooking͛ enǀironmenƚ͘ TheLJ ǁill haǀe ƚhe opporƚƵniƚLJ ƚo explore the use of a basic sauce that can be used in many dishes. The end of year 6 play allows the children to make their own costumes. They sew fabric together to form outfits and sew on details, using a variety of sewing techniques. They also attach a range of accessories on to the costumes using different joining techniques.

In this unit, the children will develop and write longer text passages as well being given plenty of opportunity for them to listen, read and speak. They will be introduced to pronouns and how these change a verb in French. The idea is to introduce the concept that verbs change depending on who and when an action is completed so that when the children go to secondary school they will be familiar with grammar already.

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