Shifting from a V.U.C.A. to W.I.S.E World - White Paper #1

It is all about a choice between V.U.C.A and W.I.S.E

A W.I.S.E MINDSET ENABLES LEADERS TO FOSTER A FUTURE-ORIENTED ORGANIZATION BY EMBRACING 3 SIMPLE PRINCIPLES: 1. Cultivating the capacity to observe how everything is inter- connected in this world, 2. Recognizing that our organizations and planet are living systems, 3. Acknowledging that energy is the medium of exchange which truly matters

Living in a state of constant fear of the future is needless. V.U.C.A. can be overcome. How? Certainly not because the world will become less volatile or complex or ambiguous. V.U.C.A. can be transcended when we have become W.I.S.E. enough to understand the implications of V.U.C.A.

Challenging long held assumptions and ways of thinking is the answer.

Breaking away from centuries of ingrained thinking habits requires a shift from a worldview dominated predominately by reductionist thinking.

A W.I.S.E. world is embodied by an organization which

is teaming with energy, emergent potential and focusses on cultivating the circumstances to ensure its thriving future.


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