Shifting from a V.U.C.A. to W.I.S.E World - White Paper #1

The Western tradition is ingrained with reductionist thinking.

What does reductionism imply?

The whole can only be understood if the parts are understood.

This is patently inaccurate.

The following example illustrates the invalidity of reductionism:

Whereas reductionist thinking can be extremely useful, a W.I.S.E. world dismisses prediction and certainty as a means to produce good outcomes. Alternatively it emphasizes a healthy balance between the analytical approach of reductionism and an integrated approach which creates a greater awareness of the WHOLE. Both hydrogen and oxygen can be analyzed. Everything is known about these two elements. However this knowledge will not reveal the characteristics of water which arise from the combination of oxygen and hydrogen .

What does embracing the WHOLE mean for business leaders?

WHOLE implies that leaders of organizations not only need to take care of the health of their employees, but the health of their organizations as well. This is reflected by a sustainable triple bottom line: people, planet and profit


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