Honors Geometry Companion Book, Volume 2

9.1.2 Developing Formulas for Circles and Regular Polygons − Worksheet

Example 1: Find each measurement. 1. the circumference of  C

2. the area of  A in terms of π

3 x in.

C 10


cm π

3. the circumference of  P in which A = 36 π in 2

Example 2: 4.  A pizza parlor offers pizzas with diameters of 8 in., 10 in., and 12 in. Find the area of each size pizza. Round to the nearest tenth.

Example 3: Find the area of each regular polygon. Round to the nearest tenth. 5. 6.

3 cm

10 in.

7. an equilateral triangle with an apothem of 2 ft

8. a regular dodecagon with a side length of 5 m


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