Honors Geometry Companion Book, Volume 2

12.2 Review Worksheet (continued)

29.  Jeff is making a mosaic by gluing 1 cm square tiles onto a photograph. He starts with a 6 cm by 8 cm rectangular photo and enlarges it by a scale factor of 1.5. How many tiles will Jeff need in order to cover the enlarged photo?

Draw the image of the figure with the given vertices under a dilation with the given scale factor centered at the origin. 30. M (0, 3), N (6, 0), P (0, − 3); − scale factoer:

1 3

31. A ( − 1, 3), B (1, 1), C ( − 4, 1); scale factor: − 1

32. R (1, 0), S (2, 0), T (2, − 2), U ( − 1, − 2); scale factor: − 2

− scale factoer: 1 2

33. D (4, 0), E (2, − 4), F ( − 2, − 4), G ( − 4, 0), H ( − 2, 4), J (2, 4);


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