NBMBAA - Brand Audit & Assessment

8. Social Media: • Which photos are used?

Photos of young professionals, speakers, and events.

• Does the content communicate a consistent brand message? No. Thought the images used reflect business, professionalism, personal

development, leadership, and networking, which are consistent with the use of images in the Brand Guidelines, they don’t show enough images of members, organization-related events, and chapter-related events. The social media accounts lack a narrative and visual representation of the members and Chapter Presidents that are the lifeblood of the organization’s brand. There aren’t enough stories about chapter members. Also, the social media strategy seems to be off-brand with a lot of content focusing on black celebrities. Several of the black celebrities highlighted (ie. Tina Turner, Whoopi Goldberg, Diahann Carrol, etc.) are entertainers, not business professionals. Though this garners more likes, comments, and shares, it’s not a proper representation of the organization’s brand message. This type of social media content may lead to followers who view your organization online as a black celebrity news outlet rather than a national black business organization. The messaging used includes words like “business”, “success”, “career”, “network”, “membership”, and “conference”, which are consistent with the organization’s mission, vision, and values.

• Which posts get the most engagement? From our assessment, LinkedIn gets the most engagement, followed by Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. - LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/theblackmba

i. Posts that show portrait photos and a caption that highlight the success and story of African American professionals with a direct link to a news article get the most engagement. ii. Posts that have captivating titles at the top with a photo underneath get the second most engagement. iii. Posts that have a video get the third most engagement. - Instagram: instagram.com/theblackmba i. Posts that have captivating titles at the top with a photo underneath get the most engagement. ii. Posts that show portrait photos and a caption that highlight the success and story of African American professionals get the second most engagement. iii. Posts that have a video get the third most engagement.



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