NBMBAA - Brand Audit & Assessment

10. Website: a. Your website needs a complete redesign and a new approach to how the layout, content, images, and graphics are arranged. b. The layout of content on some pages doesn’t look as appealing or inviting to read (ie. Homepage, About Page, and Program Pages). Arrange the images, content, headings, and colors in a way that visually flows well while scrolling. This will help to reduce clutter and will make the pages more visually appealing and easier for a visitor to read, especially on a mobile device. c. Be mindful of how your website’s layout and use of fonts, images, and graphics will affect a user’s viewing experience on a desktop computer, mobile device, or tablet. Make sure your website layout is responsive for various device sizes. d. Most of your web pages should be reduced to no more than 5 to 7 sections per page, with a consistent design layout so that it looks and reads more cohesively while scrolling. e. Utilize your fonts, colors, and images more creatively within your website. Create graphic elements that can enhance the visual appearance and user experience of the website while also providing information in a more creative way. Here are examples of websites that utilize fonts, colors, images, and graphics creatively:

f. Evaluate the content on your website. Make sure all of the content is up to date. Look at every page on the website and read over the content. Consider deleting any content that is out of date or irrelevant. Reducing the amount of content will allow visitors to focus on your most important messaging and information.



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