NBMBAA - Brand Audit & Assessment

Brand Audit In preparation of this brand audit, we gathered insights about NBMBAA’s brand and reviewed some of its past and present brand assets. The purpose was to get an understanding of how NBMBAA has positioned its brand both online and offline, and to identify any brand gaps, inconsistencies, and opportunities. This audit includes what we learned while reviewing 10 of NBMBAA’s brand assets.

*We’ve color-coded each bullet point to indicate if the audit is…




1. Brand Guidelines: Having a strong Brand Guideline saves time, money, and frustration. Managing the consistency and integrity of a brand requires intelligent standards and guidelines that everyone adheres to internally. Adhering to the guidelines requires discipline and vigilance amongst all key stakeholders.

• What are the fonts? The primary font is TradeGothic. The secondary font is Bodoni.

• What are the colors? The primary color is Blue (PMS 281). The complementary colors are Green (PMS 348), Blue (PMS 7455), Red (PMS 201), Gold (PMS 1255), and Yellow (PMS 124). The color palette used only specifies the Pantone number for each color. It should also include the RGB number, CMYK number, and Hex number for each color. • Are the fonts and colors properly defined and showcased? The fonts are properly defined and are showcased by name and weight in the Typography section of the Brand Guidelines. However, two of the fonts used in the actual logo are not defined or showcased in the Brand Guidelines. The colors are properly showcased, but not properly defined. Each color is missing its CMYK number, RGB number, and Hex number. • What are the rules? The Brand Guidelines list the following rules: - Rules on how to place and position the logo. - Rules on the minimum amount of clear space that must surround the logo to ensure its integrity. - Rules on how to and how not to use the logo. - Rules on color variations. - Rules on size restrictions for the logo. - Rules on the use of images. - However, there are no rules or guidelines for other brand assets such as promotional material, signage, social media, website, etc. • How easy is it to follow? The guide is easy to follow. It’s legible and provides headings and descriptions for each page.



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