Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201707

As a high profile member of the Pacific Island community in Auckland, Esther truly understands how valuable Melaleuca can be for her people, so much so she has made it part of her approach when she says to people: “I know your life and Melaleuca is the perfect vehicle to get you out of a rut.” Then she adds, “This is real, really real. It’s an opportunity for people who’ve never had money before to earn a really great income. It’s the right time, if you get on board and make it work!” And oh boy are people listening, in just over five months Esther’s business now has 28 Directors in it! When sharing advice, Esther has some very simple wisdom. She thinks that many people and other businesses are just trying to pull the wool over people’s eyes to make money. Esther says, “This wont work, you have to be ethical and act with integrity, people can tell when you’re being insincere. When you love what you do and the company you partner with, that will come through in every conversation and every presentation.” Reinforcing this point she says, “What’s not to love. The products are amazing and the money comes when you enhance people’s lives with the products – it’s easy, you just need to do it over and over again.” Sharing the products and the business opportunity have given Esther some amazing rewards – she’s come a long way from her first cheque of just $133.00. Esther attributes most of this success to her team or as she prefers, “My beautiful friends.” Giving gratitude where it’s deserved Esther says of her team, “I couldn’t have done it without them.

doing they would always say ‘Do it with excellence; give it your very best.’” Esther has applied this advice throughout her life. It’s helped her through school and in business. Esther describes herself as, “… a normal everyday person but with real determination.” She excelled in the finance industry building a great business and living a good life, but then disaster struck: “In a short of period time my marriage broke down and I lost my father.” Understandably, this derailed Esther and had a real negative impact on her family and professional life. A single mother, looking after her son, Esther took a position working for NZ Post. This paid the bills but gave her little in the way of financial or emotional rewards: “It was just a job where I longed to be doing something else!” In addition to her determination Esther also has great faith. As she explains, “Through the deep valleys of life, I prayed we real faith that God would point me in the right direction.” Esther feels her prayers were answered on New Year’s Eve last year with the introduction to Melaleuca. She is very close to Sharlene and holds her in high esteem, so when she was introduced to Melaleuca she says, “I knew it would be good and I wasn’t disappointed.” Explaining what really hit home for her when she saw the presentation she continues, “It’s a company like no other: 32 year track record, premium wellness products and thousands and thousands of people earning full time income for part time work. I knew instantly I could make this work!”

Thank you is simply not enough for how I feel about them. They’ve supported me for sure but it’s the trust and belief that they’ve put in me that has made it all possible!” The next step for Esther: “The sky is the limit! I love sharing Melaleuca and what it can do for people so I’m not stopping. A really important goal for me now is to help my son and his family. It’s simply amazing that in such a short period of time, this business has allowed me to start thinking about helping him with a deposit for a home. You can't get this kind of life changing income anywhere else!” Everyone at Melaleuca has been really happy to meet and get to know Esther. On behalf of the company we want to thank her for shining a light in front of her community and all Marketing Executives across New Zealand and Australia. She has embraced our mission statement and shown us all how to enhance lives. TOP: Eseta with her son Dominic, daughter-in-lawNyah and granddaughter 5 year old Adaya. BOTTOM: Granddaughter Adaya.

Director 2

Director 3

Director 4

Senior Director 2



senior director Real income enhancing lives

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