
$ 0 - - & $ 5 * 7 * 5  r  $ 0 . . 6 / * 5 : CHASE AWAY THE WINTER BLUES ON THE LAROSE FOREST TRAILS


Everyone seems to be out on the trails in the Larose Forest this winter. “It’s been crazy,” said Louis Prévost, QMBOOJOHBOEGPSFTUSZEJSFDUPSGPSUIF6OJUFE $PVOUJFTPG1SFTDPUU3VTTFMM 6$13 EVSJOH a phone interview January 11. “The parking lots are full all the time.” For many Canadians January is when 4FBTPOBM "GGFDUJWF%JTPSEFS 4"%  BMTP known as the “winter blues”, affects many people because of the short days and long nights. As the pandemic continues, worry about COVID-19 adds to the psychological effect of SAD, which may explain why more people are getting outdoors and heading out into the woods for winter recreation fun. “Over the years we have always seen an increase in trail users,” said Prévost, regarding the number of people on the Larose Forest trails. “This year the amount of activity is just incredible.” 5IF6$13IBTNBOBHFEUIFDPNNVOJUZ forest for several decades as both a public recreation area and a working forest for small-scale logging. Within the woodland area that straddles the boundary between $MBSFODF3PDLMBOEBOE5IF/BUJPO UIFSF are between 60 to 70 kilometres of trails set aside for winter activities like cross- country skiing, snowshoeing, winter hiking when conditions are suitable, and “fat bike” riding. There are separate trails reserved for snowmobiling and winter ATV riding, and also a limited number of dedicated trails GPS UIFFYDMVTJWFVTFPG UIF.VTI-BSPTF dogsledding club. The mild winter conditions for December have seen a few centimeters of snow fall, OPUFOPVHI UPNBLF JUQPTTJCMF GPS6$13 staff to take the groomer out on the cross- country ski trails. But, Prévost noted, even the ungroomed trails with their thin cover of snow proved satisfactory for dozens of dedicated cross-country skiers. i5IF#PVSHFU USBJMIFBE QBSLJOHMPUTBMPOF are jampacked every weekend,” he said, adding that trail-grooming will begin after another 15 to 20 centimetres of snow falls during the coming weeks. “We’ll have a good base for it then,” he said. While the majority of trail users in the Larose Forest this winter are local, Prévost notes that a large number of people drive in from Ottawa to Limoges to take advantage of the ski and snowshoe trails in that part of the community forest. Visitor log entries at some of the Larose Forest trailheads indicate that some trail users come from as far south as Cornwall. One winter activity growing in popularity in the Larose Forest is “fat bike” trail riding. One specific trail get a mechanical grooming to make it suitable for trail riders using the wide-tired bike, but Prévost noted that any of the mountain bike trails can serve as well. The problem, he observed, for some would- be first-time riders now may be finding a “fat bike” to ride thanks to increased demands for outdoor winter recreation equipment. “If you’re looking to buy one,” he said, “you may be hardpressed.” Prévost has one piece of advice. Check the information kiosks at the trailheads on which trails are posted for what type of use. “The majority of people do respect the signage,” said Prévost.

Il y a suffisamment de neige sur les pistes de la Forêt Larose pour que ce soit le bon moment pour sortir et faire du ski, de la raquette ou des balades loin du «blues de l’hiver» et des soucis liés à la pandémie. Les Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell (CUPR) gèrent la forêt communautaire pour les loisirs publics et l’exploitation forestière à petite échelle. Le personnel des CUPR signale que les staitonnements au début des pistes sont pleins chaque weekend et que les visiteurs utilisent les pistes pour faire du ski de fond, de la raquette ou du vélo d’hiver. —photo fournie


Félicitations aux gagnants du concours


Monique Goyer, de Hawkesbury, 250 $ chez Fromage et Cie Grenville

Michel Carrière, de L’Orignal, 250 $ chez Asselin Indépendant Hawkesbury

Natasha Renaud, de Hawkesbury, 250 $ chez L’Orignal Packing

Nathalie Labelle, de Hawkesbury, 250 $ chez Jean Coutu, à Hawkesbury



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