
" $ 5 6 " - * 5 4  r  / & 8 4 UCPR AID FOR SENIOR HOUSING PROJECTS &/#3&'r#3*&'4 CDSBEO ENROLMENT

The Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario (CDSBEO) received its revised enrolment figures for the 2020-2021 school year. Total student enrolment is 13,022, which is a 0.8 per cent drop from the original projection. The number includes 2553 elementary and secondary students in the virtual learning programs, almost 20 per cent of the student population. – Gregg Chamberlain VIRTUAL SCHOOL REPORT The Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) will not be setting up a virtual school system for Kindergarten to Grade 6 students. Trustees reviewed a 24-page education consultant’s report on the feasibility for a limited virtual school system during the pandemic. The report rejected the concept as unworkable. The report noted the lack of provincial support funding and also potential pro- blems with shifting staff and students over from the existing remote learning system to a separate virtual school system. – Gregg Chamberlain PLANNING FEES Hawkesbury developers will have new planning processing fees to work into their project calculations. Council approved changes to the municipal planning fees bylaw during its December 17 session before the Christmas break. The fee changes take effect January 2021. – Gregg Chamberlain


Two senior housing projects will get support from the United Counties of Prescott-Russell with their financial planning goals. During a special session December 17, members of the United Counties of Prescott- Russell council (UCPR) reviewed a letter from Gary J. Barton, chairman of the Vankleek Seniors Citizens Manor board. The non-profit agency asked for help from the UCPR with applications for funding from the federal/ provincial Rapid Housing Initiative (RHI) for two senior housing projects. “I am making a request to council on behalf of our board and that of La Résidence Lajoie in St-Albert,” stated Barton in his letter. Both groups are applying for RHI funding for their seniors housing expansion projects. Application approval could mean full funding for all the costs of their projects. But the deadline for RHI applications is December 21 when the funding program was announced JO/PWFNCFS i8FCFMJFWFXFBSFFMJHJCMFUPBQQMZBOE support from our community is very impor- tant,” stated Barton, adding that confirmed community support for projects increases their chances of funding approval. Barton suggested two options for the UCPR to provide a show of community sup- port for the projects to the RHI review board.

Les Comtés unis de Prescott-Russell (UCPR) apporteront leur soutien à deux projets de logements pour personnes âgées à Vankleek Hill et St-Albert afin d’obtenir l’aide financière des gouvernements fédéral et provincial. —photo Gregg Chamberlain

on UCPR council approved a resolution to have the social services department provide a letter confirming community support for the manor board’s RHI application before the December 21 application deadline. The resolution also guarantees “that the requested amount be granted in full through the available funding.” i8FSFHPJOH UPNBLF JUIBQQFO uTBJE Stéphane Parisien, UCPR chief administrator. i8FSFHJWJOHUIFNXIBUUIFZSFBTLJOHu

One option is to allocate $20,000 in the UCPR budget for a 10-year period star- ting in 2022, so that each senior housing project could claim an annual $10,000 in guaranteed community support funds. The other option is for the UCPR to cancel its portion of the property taxes for the manor society starting in 2022. “By making this commitment, we would be able to show support from the community in our (RHI) application,” stated Barton. After a brief discussion the eight mayors

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