Dispatches from the Highlands
News from CannaTown SEPT-OCT 2022
Vol 9. Edition 5
$4.20 Cents
"Began with a dull roar" Corn Palace, Page 8 Frightened onlookers didn't know what to make up unexplained rumblings until the walls began to explode. See Corn Palace ......................Page 8 Saccharine Docks Corn Syrup, Page 10 Unexpectedly, and sorta defying sci- ence, a sulfur-dioxide mix down at the loading docks created a syrupy mess. See Corn Syrup....... .................Page 10 e Corn's a Godsend Stumpy McGruff, Page 13 Ignore these bastards telling you the pop- corn is the worst disaster to hit this town in decades; I see it as pure opportunity. See Stumpy McGru ................Page 13 Cannatown Obituaries Loved Ones Lost, Page 12 Deals In Your Area! Local Maps, Page 16 NEWS FROM CANNATOWN Dispatches from the Highlands cata- logues aairs and news from the beau- tiful city of Cannatown, a quaint and quiet village built upon the conuence of the mighty IcyBong and Resinald Rivers, amidst the misty foothills of the Highlands. e Dispatches fam- ily is proud to present completely unique content--a cannacopia of squibs, lifestyle columns, reviews and deals--from across the globe. e publication is written and edited by a mostly-ripped team of writers and editors headquartered in the heart of Cannatown, and with help from old friends, they've assembled this most amazing spectacle of literature you see before you. Read, enjoy--now, make haste, to the smakery! - e Editors
CITY CLOSURES Due to Popcorn, Page 11 Many of the businesses were closed, in part, due to being hit by a car in the middle of the corny dust cloud. See Due to Popcorn ................Page 11 Shades of Autumn Album Notes, Page 14 New albums, old albums -- they’re all game as Erickson takes on the soundtrack to your chill. See Album Notes. ..................Page 14 A Pair o' Plum Pies Cousin D Recipe, Page 15 Savor for yourself or be the life of the party! Cooking with THC made easy. See Recipe ................................Page 15 Museum Destroyed News in Brief, Page 9 Weekly CannaScopes See Fortunes, Page 9 CannaSaver TM Today’s Coupons feature:
********* "Unprecedented" volcanic-like explosion of popcorn turns the city into a ghost town smelling of a movie theater - full story pg B17 KERNELS BURST IN HEAT, CREATING 15-FOOT WAVES
DENVER & BOULDER CANNABIS LISTINGS Addresses, Phone by Categories: Dispensaries . . . . . . . . . . 18 Doctors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 VapeShops ........... 32 GlassShops ........... 33 Hemp/CBD........... 35 Grow Stores . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Kratom/Herbal . . . . . . . . . 37 Cannabis Clubs . . . . . . . . 37
High Level Health Denver Page 89
Lightshade Denver Metro Page 91
Rocky Mtn Cannabis Denver Page 93
21+ Tourist? Recreational Shops Listings on Page 18! MAP OF DEALS NEAR YOU pg 16 **** SAVE BIG WITH COUPONS pg 39
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