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Pariz Paris
There's no shortage of romantic things to do in Paris, and that's especially true when it's Valentine's Day in the City of Love
U Parizu vam nikada neće nedostajati romantike, a to je naročito tačno kada je reč o Danu zaljubljenih u Gradu ljubavi
Ljubav u Parizu Ručak na Ajfelovoj kuli? Da, ne- verovatno je baš kao što zvuči. A tek pogled! Sa Parizom pod no- gama i čašom šampanjca u ru- ci čestitacete sebi što ste izabrali baš ovaj grad da proslavite svo- ju ljubav. Ili sa svojom voljenom osobom otkrivajte svetla Pariza na no- cnom krstarenju Senom, a po- sle toga uživajte u kabare pred- stavi kultnog „Mulen ruža“. Zvuči kao veličanstveno veče u Pari- zu, ali morate rezervisati na vre- me da biste obezbedili sto za ovu posebnu noc. Er Srbija leti u Pariz svakog da- na u nedelji, pa nema razloga da već sada ne isplanirate najro- mantičnije putovanje ove godi- ne i proslavite Dan zaljubljenih u Gradu ljubavi. LOVE IN PARIS Having lunch on the Eiffel Tower is as amazing as it sounds. And the view! With Paris beneath your feet and a glass of champagne in your hand, you'll congratulate yourself on having chosen this city to cele- brate your love. Or alongside your loved one, dis- cover the lights of Paris on a night cruise along the Seine. After- wards, feast your eyes on a stun- ning cabaret show at the icon- ic Moulin Rouge. It's a glorious evening in Paris, but you must re- serve a place to secure a table on this special night. Air Serbia flies to Paris every day of the week, so there is no reason not to schedule the most romantic trip of the year and celebrate Val- entine's Day in the city of love.
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