Elevate February 2024 | Air Serbia


Zahvaljujući ovom festivalu, Beograd je postao važna stanica u umetničkim biografijama It is thanks to this festival that Belgrade has become an important port of call in the biographies of dance artists

From the Louvre to the Balkan An artist whose installations at Paris’s Louvre have been seen by almost a hundred thousand visitors is set to arrive in Belgrade. Yoann Bourgeois brings a piece that critics describe as a “universe in microcosm” di- rectly to Belgrade’s Balkan Cinema. His famous stair- case, from which dancers fall and return to once again, brought new magic to the museum space. The same installation formed part of the opening exhibition of the Louvre in Abu Dhabi. And now, following sever- al years of negotiations, Bourgeois is arriving in Bel- grade for the first time! “Our agreements take a long time to conclude, as the installations are extremely complex and bulky. We were quite simply unable to find a space that was bold enough for such a stride forward, and large enough to accommodate all the pieces of scenography. And then arose the challenge of converting an interesting city centre cinema into our platform. I decided to rework some elements for the Belgrade Dance Festival. I like that kind of challenge - adapting to the space and at- mosphere of some venue,” explains renowned artist. A total of six approaches through the magical world created by Bourgeois are scheduled for 7 th and 8 th March, with up to 100 spectators able to watch each performance. Madonna’s favourite collaborator The Gothenburg Opera Dance Company is bringing an incredible piece authored by choreographer Damien Jalet. Madonna adores this French-Belgian choreogra- pher and performer, who will present the smash hit en- titled Skid to the Belgrade Dance Festival at the Serbi- an National Theatre in Novi Sad on 9 th and 10 th March.

mogli da pronađemo prostor koji je dovoljno hra- bar za ovakav iskorak, a dovoljno veliki da primi sve komade scenografije. A onda se pojavio izazov da jedan zanimljiv bioskop u centru grada učinimo našom platformom. Odlučio sam da neke elemen- te prepravim za Beogradski festival igre. Volim tu vrstu izazova: prilagođavanje prostoru i atmosferi nekog mesta – objašnjava čuveni umetnik. Ukupno šest vođenja kroz magični svet koji pot- pisuje Buržoa, na programu su 7. i 8. marta. Svaki performans može da prati do 100 gledalaca. Madonin omiljeni saradnik Kompanija igre Opere Geteborga donosi neve- rovatan komad koji potpisuje koreograf Damjan Ža- le. Madona obožava ovog francusko-belgijskog ko- reografa i izvođača, koji će Beogradskom festivalu igre predstaviti apsolutni pozorišni hit „Prokliza- vanje“, i to 9. i 10. marta u novosadskom Srpskom narodnom pozorištu. Kao tinejdžer u Briselu, Damjan Žale je bio in- spirisan nastupima i igrom najpoznatije pop-ikone Madone. Kada ga je kontaktirala, skoro 30 godina kasnije, sa ponudom da bude koreograf i kreativni savetnik njene prve pozorišne turneje „Madam X“, za njega je to bila ponuda koja se ne odbija. Posled- njih meseci Madona iznova osvaja koncertne dvo- rane širom sveta, sa svojim timom u kojem Damjan Žele uvek ima veoma važnu ulogu. Inače, Žale je tokom svoje karijere često sarađi- vao i sa Marinom Abramović, a milioni ljudi su ne- davno uživo ili preko društvenih mreža uživali u čudesnom performansu koji je kreirao ispred Ope- re Garnije u Parizu.

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