Ne, niste popili pogrešnu pilulu – istina je da će holivudski glumac sa svojim bendom „Dogstar“, u kojem svira bas-gitaru, nastupiti na „Arsenal festu“ SUPERSTAR STIŽE U SRBIJU Fenomen zvani Kijanu Rivs
NA „ARSENAL FESTU“ , koji će biti održan od 27. do 29. juna u prostoru Kneževog arsenala u Kra- gujevcu, mnogobrojni obožavaoci konačno će imati priliku da uživo vide holivudskog superstara Kija- nu Rivsa. Jer nema nikakve dileme da ovaj glumac (i muzičar) ima sta- tus polubožanstva, da ne kažemo mitskog bića. Za nas malo starije bio je pojam za dobrog frajera kada se pojavio u filmu „Tačka prekida“ sa Patrikom Svejzijem, pa lovio kul lopove dok sa njima surfuje i juri velike talase. Mnogo je vremena prošlo od tada, Kijanu je postao akcioni junak, kul- tni status stekao kao Nio u „Ma-
triksu“, ali ništa manje ga ne vole ni kao neuništivog Džona Vika. Ina- če, taj Vik je krenuo u svoju „ubij- sve-što-se-miče“ misiju nakon što su mu ubili psa, pa nije čudo da Ki- janu na društvenim mrežama svaki put osvane sa nekim citatom ljubi- telja i zaštitnika životinja. A ti njegovi profili, kojih ima jedno dva miliona, gle čuda, nisu njegovi. On se, kaže, ne ljuti što je predmet silnih mimova. Iako ne je- de sendviče tužan na nekim nasu- mičnim klupama, ne smeta mu što ljudi svašta maštaju. Ne ljuti se jer iza svega toga ne stoje zle name- re. Naprotiv, na društvenim mre- žama Kijanu Rivs se slavi kao retka
zverka – skromni, dobri, plemeni- ti čovek kojeg holivudska slava ni- je promenila. Sada ćemo, konačno, moći da vidimo njegovu manje poznatu, ali Rivsu veoma bitnu muzičku stra- nu. „Dogstar“, alternativni bend iz Los Anđelesa koji, osim Rivsa, či- ne pevač i gitarista Bret Domrouz i bubnjar Robert Mejlhaus, pono- vo se aktivirao prošle godine posle pauze duge dve decenije, objavivši treći album „Somewhere Between the Power Lines and Palm Trees“. Prva dva izdanja, „Our Little Visi- onary“ i „Happy Ending“ datiraju iz 1996. odnosno, 2000. godine. „Dogstar“ je oformljen 1991, a Ki- janu Rivs povodom povratka ben- da na scenu ističe kako je o tome već dugo razmišljao. – Nedostajalo mi je naše zajed- ničko stvaranje pesama, koncerti... Sva trojica smo rekli – hajde da sni- mamo album. Za mene je „Dogstar“ strast kojoj sam se s oduševljenjem vratio posle svih ovih godina – ka- že glumac koji muziku voli koliko i glumu. A mi kažemo – ako hoćete da vidite kako Kijanu praši po basu, kupite karte na vreme. Nije spor- no da će masa njegovih fanova iz celog regiona pohrliti u Kragujevac.
No, you haven’t swallowed the wrong pill – it’s quite true that this Hollywood actor and his rock band, Dogstar, for which he is the bassist, will perform at Arsenal Fest The phenomenon that is Keanu Reeves
THIS YEAR’S ARSENAL FEST, which will take place at Kragujevac’s Prince’s Arsenal from 27 th to 29 th June, will finally pro- vide many adoring fans with the opportunity to see Hollywood su- perstar Keanu Reeves in person. And there’s no doubt whatsoev- er that this actor (and musician) has gained demigod status, if not that of a mythical being. For those of us who are a lit- tle older, he was the epitome of a cool dude when he appeared alongside Patrick Swayze in the hit film Point Break, hunting charismatic bank robbers while surfing with them and chasing big waves. Many years have since passed and Keanu has become an action hero, having gained cult status as Neo in the Matrix films, while he is just as loved as the indestructible John Wick. Inter- estingly, Mr Wick set out on his kill-everything-that-moves mis- sion in response to the killing of his dog, so it’s no surprise that Keanu constantly shines on so- cial media as an animal lover and protector. Though it turns out that his social media profiles, which num- ber in the millions, are actually fake – surprise, surprise! Keanu says that he isn’t angered at being the subject of countless memes. Despite not being inclined to sit on random benches eating sand- wiches while feeling sad, he isn’t bothered by people who imagine all kinds of nonsense. He doesn’t get annoyed because there are no
evil intentions behind it all. On the contrary, Keanu Reeves is cel- ebrated on social media as a rare creature – a modest, good and no- ble man, who hasn’t been changed by his Hollywood fame. Now we will finally have the chance to see his musical side, which may be lesser-known, but is still very important to Reeves. Dogstar, an alternative rock band from Los Angeles that compris- es, in addition to Reeves, singer and guitarist Bret Domrose and drummer Robert Mailhouse, reu- nited last year, after a two-decade hiatus, with the release of their third album Somewhere Between the Power Lines and Palm Trees. The band’s first two albums, Our Little Visionary and Happy End- ing, date back to 1996 and 2000, respectively. Dogstar first formed in 1991, and speaking about the band’s return to the scene, Keanu has admitted that he’d been think- ing about it for a long time. "I missed writing together; I missed doing shows together… I think all three of us just said, ‘Well, if we're going to do this, let's make a record’. For me, Dogstar repre- sents a passion that I’m thrilled to return to in a real way after all these years,” says this actor who loves music just as much as acting. And we suggest that if you want to see how Keanu rocks on bass, be sure to buy a ticket in time. There’s no doubt that mass- es of his fans from across the en- tire region will flock to Kragu- jevac.
Tekst / Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije / Photography: Profimedia/ ACES / BACKGRID
Kijanu Rivs je, pored svega, i koautor romana „The Book of Elsewhere“ koji izlazi u julu. Knjiga, kao i strip BRZRKR, koje je takođe Rivs napisao, prati besmrtnog ratnika koji traga za ključem svoje besmrtnosti Keanu Reeves is also co-author of the novel The Book of Elsewhere, which will be published in July. This book, like the BRZRKR comics that Reeves also wrote, follows an immortal warrior on quest to discover the key to his immortality
Četrnaesto izdanje „Arsenal festa“ okupiće 60 izvođača iz Srbije, regiona i sveta na tri bine The 14 th edition of Arsenal Fest will bring together 60 performers, from Serbia, the region and around the world, on three stages
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