Elevate February 2024 | Air Serbia





Serija o rivalstvu dva vodeća dizajnera stiže 14. februara i donosi dosad nepoznate detalje o njihovom neprijateljskom odnosu U FEBRUARU STIŽE INTRI- GANTNA PRIČA o rivalstvu i ne- trpeljivosti čuvene Koko Šanel i velikog Kristijana Diora. Seriju potpisuje produkcija „Apple TV+“, a radnja je smeštena u razdoblje okupacije Pariza tokom Drugog svetskog rata. Lik Kristijana Di- ora tumači glumac Ben Mendel- son, a Koko Šanel će tumačiti Ži- lijet Binoš. „The New Look“ će gledaoci- ma dati nešto bolji uvod u nima- lo prijateljski odnos dva velika di- zajnerska imena. Koko je tokom Drugog svetskog rata u potpunosti vladala modnom scenom, ali nje- nu stolicu tada je zatresao Kristi- jan Dior, koji ubrzo nakon probo- ja na scenu biva okarakterisan kao revolucionarni dizajner čija je de- bitantska kolekcija modnu indu- striju digla na noge. Kolekcija iz 1947, iz koje je proizašao „New Look“ (kolekciju je tako nazvala glavna urednica ča- sopisa „Harper’s Bazaar“ Karmel Snou) najavila je neko novo stil- sko razdoblje. Ono u kojem moda nije namenjena isključivo uskom krugu klijenata već je tu da ruši stilske barijere i donese nove si- luete tela. Dior tako postaje dizaj- ner čiji rad velikom brzinom poči- nje da se kopira, a to se, naravno, nije svidelo Koko Šanel. Postala je veoma glasna protivnica Diorovog rada, ističući kako je njegova mo- da starinska i da uopšte nije revo- lucionarna niti inovativna kako su tadašnji mediji isticali. Osim poslovne konkurenci- je, između dvoje dizajnera bilo je još problema koji su uticali na njihov odnos. Naime, Koko je na početku rata postala agent naci- stičke obaveštajne službe, dok je sestra Kristijana Diora, Ketrin, bi- la uhvaćena, mučena i internira- na u logor Ravensbruk zbog rada


Coco vs Dior

This series about the rivalry between two top designers arrives on our screens on 14 th February and reveals hitherto unknown details about their hostile relationship FEBRUARY MARKS THE AR- RIVAL OF AN INTRIGUING STO- RY about the rivalry and prejudice between the famous Coco Chanel and the great Christian Dior. An Ap- ple TV+ production, the plot unfolds during World War II’s Nazi occupa- tion of Paris. Actor Ben Mendelsohn portrays the character of Christian Dior, while Coco Chanel is played by Juliette Binoche. The New Look will provide view- ers with a more comprehensive in- troduction to the far from friendly relations between these two greats of the design world. Coco had reigned supreme over the fashion scene during World War II, but the early postwar period saw her place on the throne challenged by Dior, who was considered a revolutionary designer soon after emerging on the scene, with his debut collection bringing the fashion industry to its feet. Dior’s 1947 “Corolle” collec- tion, which marked the emergence of the so-called “New Look” (the col- lection was dubbed “The New Look” by Carmel Snow, then editor-in-chief of Harper’s Bazaar magazine) an- nounced a new era of style. This was the era in which fashion was no longer intended exclusively for a narrow circle of clients, but rath- er sought to overcome barriers of style and bring new silhouettes of the body. This led to Dior quickly be- coming a designer whose works be-

The New Look is a 10-episode series that will premiere worldwide on Apple TV on Wednesday, 14 th February

gan to be copied, and Coco Chanel naturally didn’t like that fact. She be- came a very vocal opponent of Di- or's work, insisting that his fashion was outdated and not at all revolu- tionary or innovative, as it had been branded by the media of the time. Alongside professional rival- ry, there were other problems that shaped relations between the two designers. Specifically, Coco had be- come an agent of the Nazi intelli- gence service following the outbreak of the war, while Dior’s sister, Cath- erine, had been captured, tortured and interned at the Ravensbrück concentration camp for working with the French Resistance. This in- spired series director Todd A. Kessler to tell Dior’s story in such a way as to shed light on the details of both the professional and personal rival- ry that still intrigues the public to

ry around Christian Dior, as a de- signer who had a glorious career and an interesting personal story. Apart from the amazing cos- tumes and scenography that this series is expected to bring, there will also be plenty of great music, shot in the spirit of mid-20 th cen- tury France for the purposes of the series and performed by the likes of Lana del Rey, Florence Welch, Nick Cave and others. There will be no lack of great names

in acting either. Along- side Mendelsohn and Binoche, who will de- light audiences by fi- nally appearing on the small screen af- ter many years, other prominent cast mem- bers include Maisie Wil- liams, John Malkovich and Emily Mortimer.

this day. That’s why he centred the sto-

„The New Look“ je serija od 10 epizoda koja ce se premijerno prikazati širom sveta na „Apple TV“ u sredu, 14. februara

sa Francuskim pokretom otpora. Tod A. Kesler, reditelj serije, bio je tim pre inspirisan da ispriča Dio- rovu priču kako bi rasvetlio deta- lje modnog, ali i ličnog rivalstva koje i dan-danas intrigira javnost. Stoga je u središte stavio Kristija- na Diora kao dizajnera s trijumfal- nom karijerom i zanimljivom ljud- skom pričom. Osim što se u seriji očekuju neverovatna kostimografija i sce-

nografija, neće nedostajati ni sjaj- ne muzike koju će za potrebe sni- manja u duhu francuskog 20. veka izvoditi Lana del Rej, Florens, Nik Kejv i drugi. Neće nedostajati ni velikih glumačkih imena. Uz Bena Mendelsona i Žilijet Binoš, koja je obradovala publiku jer se konačno, posle dužeg vremena, pojavljuje na malim ekranima, ostatak glu- mačke postave čine Mejzi Vilijams, Džon Malkovič i Emili Mortimer.

Tekst / Words: Iris Krdžić Fotografije / Photography: Profimedia.rs

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