ROĐENA ZA CRVENI TEPIH Jedinstvena Bili Ajliš Kada je na dodeli Zlatnog globusa istupila u stilu štreberke, pevačica je održala još jedan majstorski kurs za trendovski izgled
belim čarapama. Umetnica je no- sila i ranac sa logotipom „Plejbo- jeve“ zečice. Šta god mislili o njenim autfiti- ma, a očigledno je nerazumevanje na domaćim portalima, odeca Bili Ajliš je prikaz nepokolebljive samo- uverenosti i individualistički izraz u industriji klonova. Sedmostruka dobitnica Gremija (a stiže verovat- no još koji ovog februara) ima pre- poznatljiv stil koji uključuje uličnu odecu, uticaje animea i predimen- zionirane, široke krojeve. – Ne želim da svet zna sve o me- ni. Zato nosim veliku, vrecastu ode- cu: niko ne može imati mišljenje, jer nisu videli šta je ispod, znate? Niko ne može da kaže: „Ona je vitka/de- bela“, „Ona nije vitka/debela“. Niko ne može ništa od toga da kaže, jer ne zna – objasnila je jednom Ajliš. Nema sumnje da Bili Ajliš ima snažan osecaj identiteta i da nece dozvoliti da muzička industrija na- metne svoja očekivanja o tome ka- ko umetnice treba da izgledaju i da se ponašaju. A to je definitivno stav vredan svakog poštovanja...
The one and only Billie Eilish When she stepped out in scholarly style at the 2024 Golden Globes, she gave a masterclass in yet another trendy look
S he may only be 22 years old, but she’s al- ready amassed a moun- tain of awards and an- other bunch that she’s currently collecting for her hit in the movie Barbie. But it’s not just her phenomenal songs and even more beautiful voice that makes Billie unique on the world stage. Her fashion expression testifies equally loudly to her peculiarity and individuality. She wore a school uniform-in- spired outfit to receive the Gold- en Globe for Best Original Song with the Barbie movie’s What Was I Made For? Eilish’s Willy Chavarria set featured a beige pleated skirt, an oversized black blazer and a light blue Peter Pan collar shirt that she accessorised with a rib- bon that she received recently as a birthday present. She completed the look with Anita Ko jewellery and retro Mary Jane heels that she bought last year. She previously made her first red carpet appearance of the year at the 2024 Palm Springs Interna- tional Film Festival Awards, where she donned a black, red and gold headscarf tied at the back to com- pliment her two-tone black and red hair. She also wore a long- sleeved white button-down top with a black tie and coordinat- ing black bottoms. Eilish kept the black and white theme going as she rounded off her red carpet look with a black oversized bomb- er jacket and black shoes over vis- ible white socks. The artist also carried a backpack sporting the Playboy bunny logo. Whatever you think about her style, Eilish’s outfits are dis- plays of unshakeable self-assur-
ance and an individualistic expres- sion in an industry of clones. This seven-time Grammy winner (with more probably coming this Febru- ary) has a signature style that in- cludes streetwear and anime in- fluences, coupled with oversized, baggy fits. “I never want the world to know everything about me. I mean, that’s why I wear big bag- gy clothes: nobody can have an opinion, because they haven’t seen what’s underneath, you know? No- body can be like, ‘she’s slim-thick’, ‘she’s not slim-thick’. Nobody can say any of that, because they don’t know,” said Billie on one occasion. There’s no doubt about it – Bil- Njen modni izraz podjednako glasno govori o osobenosti i individualnosti lie has a strong sense of her own identity and isn’t going to allow the music industry to force on her their expectations of how female artists should look and conduct themselves. And that’s an attitude you simply have to respect. Her fashion expression testifies equally loudly to her peculiarity and individuality
I ma samo 22 godine, celo br- do prethodnih nagrada i još jednu gomilu koju ovih dana kupi za svoj hit u filmu „Bar- bi“. Ali nisu samo njene fe- nomenalne pesme i još lepši glas ono što Bili Ajliš čini jedinstvenom na svetskoj sceni. Njen modni izraz podjednako glasno govori o osobe- nosti i individualnosti. Tako je Zlatni globus za najbo- lju originalnu pesmu – „What Was I Made for?“ primila u odeci inspirisa- noj školskom uniformom. Komplet „Vili Čavarija“ sadržao je bež plisira- nu suknju, veliki crni blejzer i sve- tloplavu košulju sa kragnom Petra Pana i dodatom trakom koju je dobi- la kao nedavni rođendanski poklon. Izgled je upotpunila nakitom „Ani- ta Ko“ i retro-štiklama „Meri Džejn“ koje je kupila prošle godine. Prethodno se početkom janua- ra pojavila na svom prvom ovogo- dišnjem crvenom tepihu na dodeli nagrada Međunarodnog filmskog festivala u Palm Springsu, gde je no- sila crnu, crvenu i zlatnu maramu zavezanu pozadi, a koja joj je dopu- njavala dvobojnu crno-crvenu kosu. Takođe je nosila beli gornji deo sa dugim rukavima, crnom kravatom i usklađenim crnim donjim delovi- ma. Ajliš je zadržala crno-belu temu dok je svoj izgled na crvenom tepi- hu zaokružila velikom bomber-ja- knom i crnim cipelama sa vidljivim
Tekst / Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije / Photography:
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