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Poznajete li nekoga ko vam izgleda malo uznemireno, zbunjeno i ima koncentraciju kolibrija? Dijagnoza bi veoma lako mogao da bude Tiktok mozak
Do you know someone who seems a little anxious and muddled, and who has the concentration of a hummingbird? They could very easily be diagnosed with TikTok brain
I t might be too soon to proclaim the term of the year for 2024, but we’re pretty sure that TikTok brain will be in the running. This phenomenon, attributed to the Chinese short-form video host- ing platform, is essentially a new version of what our parents’ generations referred to as “shortened at- tention spans”. But we shouldn’t disregard the long- term impact of entertainment formats that are meas- ured by the second. How much does “TikTok brain” really impact concentration, focus and sleep quality – and how bad can it really be to watch an hour of trend analyses, challenges, reviews and recipes? According to Dr Patrick Porter, creator of the brain-boosting app BrainTap, TikTok brain is a term that’s used to describe the cognitive and neurologi- cal changes observed in people who use this platform regularly. “It is characterised by a notably reduced at- tention span, often compared by neuroscientists to the brief, approximately five-second attention span of a goldfish. This phenomenon manifests as an in- creased need for instant gratification and a diminished patience for tasks that are longer and more complex,” says Dr Porter. What’s actually happening inside the brain? We could say that it’s about the large volumes of infor- mation that the brain has to take in – and quickly. The ears pick up auditory stimuli that are sent to the brain’s auditory cortex, while the eyes absorb photic energy from the screen and send a rapid sequence of stimuli to the visual cortex. The brain pumps out do- pamine in an area called the nucleus accumbens in re- sponse to the entertaining elements of each new Tik- Tok. Your brain likes the dopamine rush – that’s the popular term for a sudden and intense release of the feel-good hormone into the bloodstream – to such an extent that you’re now programmed to receive more Do you have TikTok brain? IN THE NET OF SOCIAL MEDIA How the hectic visual content of smartphones really impacts us and whether our brains have started functioning like search engines
Imate li Tiktok mozak? Kako hiperaktivni vizuelni sadržaj pametnih telefona zaista utiče na nas i da li je naš mozak počeo da funkcioniše kao pretraživač M ožda je rano da se proglasi reč go- dine za 2024, ali prilično smo si- gurni da će se u užem izboru naći sintagma Tiktok mozak. Ovaj fe- nomen, za koji je zaslužna kineska društvena mreža sa kratkim klipovima, suštinski je nova verzija onoga što su generacije naših roditelja opisivale kao kratku pažnju. No, ne treba zanema- riti dugoročne efekte zabavnih formata koji se me- re sekundarom. Koliko je realan uticaj Tiktok moz- ga na koncentraciju, usredsređenost i kvalitet sna i koliko je loše sat vremena gledati analize trendova, izazove, recenzije i recepte? Prema dr Patriku Porteru, tvorcu aplikacije za ja- čanje funkcija mozga „BrainTap“, Tiktok mozak je ter- min koji opisuje kognitivne i neurološke promene pri- mećene kod osoba koje često koriste ovu platformu. – Svojstvena mu je značajno smanjena pažnja, koju neurolozi često porede sa sindromom kratke pažnje, od oko pet sekundi, kod zlatne ribice. Ovaj fenomen se ispoljava u vidu povećane potrebe za tre- nutnim zadovoljstvom i smanjenim strpljenjem za zadatke koji duže traju i složeniji su – kaže dr Porter. Šta se zapravo tada dešava u mozgu? Reklo bi se Koliko je loše sat vremena gledati analize trendova, izazove, recenzije i recepte? How bad can it really be to watch an hour of trend analyses, challenges, reviews and recipes?
Tekst / Words: Ivan Radojčić Fotografije / Photography: Depositphotos
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