

Larry King has the Academy In View


ROCKLAND | Rockland and its hockey academy are in the spotlight with Larry King. The famous American journalist and broadcaster will feature the Canadian In- ternational Hockey Academy (CIHA) on his In View series now airing on the Discovery Channel. In View is a project of Profiles Series, LLC, a Florida-based production company that specializes in education-oriented television programming for use on cable and regular network channels. King is the host for the show which features stories on a variety of topics ranging from education, medical sci- ence, the environment, agriculture, archi- tecture, business and technology. The In View website explains that the ori- entation of the half-hour documentary se- ries is “to inform and educate our viewers, nationally and internationally, with positive stories.” A film crew for the cable channel show will be on campus Dec. 18 for interviews with students, parents and CIHA staff about the academy, its history, goals and accom- plishments. The CIHA episode will air on the Discovery Channel in February of next year.

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