you invest well, the asset remains the asset and the only risk is to ensure you buy at the right price at the right time. I am currently researching the needs of female investors to offer them invest- ment opportunities and vehicles that will make them feel like they are making a safer, less risky investment. Only once I understand what the need really is can I ensure we help more women. You have been called a leading “fempre- neur.” Would you talk about what that means, and what responsibility success- ful women have for those who have not yet reached that point? The term “fempreneur” is a new one, and the presence of females in the entrepre- neurial arena is growing at a phenomenal rate. I think we will see more and more women starting their own businesses, and it is something that a growing number of countries are now becoming aware of. In the United States, only 3 percent of female-owned businesses attract funding the traditional way. Those women who did not get funding either had to give up on their dream of owning their own business, or they had to find alternative ways to make it happen. We see the crowdfunding trend exploding because of this. I am of the opinion that successful women should be role models for others because it is such an unfamiliar territory for most. Women need to believe they can do it. Today, more than any other time in the history of the world, the opportunities for women are tremendous. It is up to us to reach out and grab them. Did you, as a real estate investor, encoun- ter any challenges because of gender? The great thing about real estate is that it does not distinguish between genders. How- ever, anyone wishing to be successful, male or female, needs to learn and understand the trends and the industry if you are really serious about making money. In my opinion, the reason the real estate industry has been dominated by men is because they are willing to take the risk to invest. Most females are very risk-averse, and it is not their nature to take big chances, especially with finance purely because many
through abandoning all of the expectations societies have, to seize the opportunities that are provided for them. Both genders have something they bring to the table, and when the benefits of each are acknowledged and we can work together to make the world a better place, there is no need to compete with each other based on gender. And you believe crowdfunding can help … Through real estate crowdfunding, women can invest and build a portfolio of their own, without competing directly in the marketplace for real estate. Real estate crowdfunding is offering unprecedented access to opportunities for building wealth, for both men and women equally. It is truly the first step to overcoming financial inequality in terms of gender. Everyone with a good product now has equal opportunity through technology to raise funds to start or grow that business, regardless of their gender. I believe this will enable a world of new ideas to come into fruition and benefit everyone. Women around the world can invest and build a revenue stream in first-world economies, can connect with others and share their stories. It is important to re- member that outside of the United States, there are very few economies where women are free to invest, and through real estate crowdfunding, they can build wealth (relative to the economy they live in) for themselves and their children. What advice do you have for women in becoming comfortable with financial issues and reaching equality with men in that area? I don’t believe women should compare themselves to men and try and be ‘like' men. Women should take ownership of their own financial health. They should find
are not confident in financial matters and investing due to little exposure and knowl- edge. I believe as more and more women enter the previously male-dominated indus- tries, the picture will change. Modern women are single for longer, as they get married much later in life compared to previous generations, and they are making more investment deci- sions for themselves. How is Wealth Migrate helping? Wealth Migrate is currently working on a strategy as part of our education initiatives that will be launched later this year, which will create learning systems women—and everyone—can access to learn about investing. We are also looking at “Women’s Buyers Trips” where we will take women to learn hands-on about investing and which fundamentals to look at in order to make informed decisions on investing and other matters. You are widely quoted on your belief that a successful businessperson—female or male—must have a goal or purpose beyond simply making money. Can you elaborate on that? Owning, starting or running a business is tough and often difficult, due to all the challenges along the way. It is your goals, your belief in what you do and how it aligns with your greater purpose and lega- cy that will push you through the difficult times. The latest worldwide trend is that your business is a force for good. Your customers will want to see how, by sup- porting your business, they can help make a difference to others or the planet. We at Wealth Migrate have started the “Wealth Movement” initiative with entrepreneurs, children and women as a focus point. Through the education platforms we are creating, we believe we will make a huge difference. What are your thoughts on why gender financial inequality exists and what perpetuates it? Financial gender inequality does exist, but the real question is, what do we do about it? I think for a healthy society, men and women should be equally empowered,
> Continued to :: PG 136
Wealth Migrate, founded in 2010 by investors Scott Picken and Hennie Bezuidenhoudt, is a leading glob- al real estate investment marketplace. The company uses cutting–edge technology to achieve efficiencies of scale, provide transparency in transactions and serve as a single hub for real estate investors to manage their portfolios.
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