King's Business - 1954-01

tive marriage any quicker than in­ dulgence in this personal sin before marriage. Under such circumstances the sacredness and preciousness of marriage is lost. One does not determine his suit­ ability for marriage by having pre­ marital sex relations. Suitability for marriage depends upon God’s will in our lives. It depends upon our temp­ erament, our habits, and many other aspects. Not a few married couples who are having serious family trou­ ble today would have been more suit­

some other basic psychological need. It is important for young and old alike to be engaged in activities at which they can be successful. It is also important that we recognize and encourage others, even if the progress is meager. The Results of Pre-Marital and Extra-Marital Sexual Relations It has been said that there have been very few research studies pub­ lished which have involved so much time and expense and which are less scientific in approach than Kinsey’s publication on the human female. Kinsey’s opinions and inferences are in abundance. Without justification for such a statement as on page 409 Kinsey says: “Most males can immediately under­ stand why most males want extra­ marital coitus . . . To most males the desire for variety in sexual activity seems as reasonable as the desire for variety in the books that one reads, the music that one hears, the recrea­ tions in which one engages, and the friends with whom one associates.” What could be further from the truth? There are thousands of non- Christian men in America who strongly resent such a statement. There are many thousands of us who know Christ as our personal Saviour, who are married to wonderful Chris­ tian wives, and who would never, give ourselves over to such debauch­ ery. Such broad statements by Kinsey are not only unintelligent and de­ based, but inexcusable. On pages 308 and 309 Kinsey lists several reasons in favor of pre-marital coitus. They include: Satisfying phys­ iological ijeeds, producing physical satisfaction, improving personality, training for marriage, determining suitability for marriage, making sex adjustments at an early age, escaping homosexuality, inducing marriage and acquiring status. I am certain that many psychologists would agree with me that the foregoing reasons are absurd. Let’s take a glance at his reasons. Although Kinsey lists “physical satis­ faction” as favoring pre-marital re­ lations, it is only a momentary phys­ ical pleasure, if that, and it certainly does not bring lasting satisfaction. In fact, I know of nothing which pays greater dividends of sin and sorrow. As a psychologist, I do not believe that fornication ever improves any­ one’s personality. It causes guilt feelings, it makes one feel inferior, and it makes one less confident. Ac­ cording to God’s Word, sin never pro­ duces beneficial results. • Kinsey lists “ training for mar­ riage” as a favorable aspect of pre­ marital relations. I know of nothing which would destroy a good prospec­

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12-53 We don't mean the name but the date. That date on the last line of your address on the mag­ azine each month is your renewal date. If you renew before we re­ mind you it saves money in this work for the Lord. Thank youl The Editors, King's Business________

ed for marriage if they had come to the marriage bed pure in heart and body. I see no logic in Kinsey’s argument that sex adjustments should be made at an age earlier than the time of marriage. One of the most impor­ tant requirements -for sex compatibil­ ity is deep love and respect for each other. Another is self-discipline and restraint. None of these are inherent in pre-marital sex relations. Kinsey’s argument for escaping ho­ mosexuality is not factual. Homosex­ uality is never the result solely of lack of coitus.' It is the result of a number of personality and/or physi­ cal factors. A great host of men and women who are homosexuals are married, and experience normal re­ lations also. The last two Kinsey arguments— “ inducing marriage,” and “ acquiring status,” are probably the most fool­ ish of all! Marriages which are in­ duced because of sinful sex relations before marriage are certainly desper­ ation marriages, and surely not stable nor desirable ones. Children reared in such environments will probably be desperate too. Qualities which would induce one person to marry another are: wholesomeness, upright­ ness, honesty, wisdom, thoughtful­ ness, consideration, beauty and hon­ or. These qualities are not demon­ strated by one who seduces another. As for “ acquiring status,” one does not lift himself in the eyes of others by engaging in pre-marital relations. He lowers himself when he does it. If one thinks that he is becoming an important and successful person by CONTINUED ►

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