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PROJET ZERO AIMS TO INCREASE SAFETY IN ALFRED-PLANTAGENET carbon monoxide buildup. Carbon monoxide alarms are recommended as a second line of defense to protect against the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Enbridge Gas Distribution, the Fire Marshal’s Public Fire Safety Council and the Alfred and Plantagenet Fire Department are partnering up to im- prove home safety. The goal is to bring fire and carbon monoxide-related deaths down to zero. This partnership is happening through Project Zero – a public education campaign that is providing more than 6,600 alarms to residents in 30 Ontario municipalities. The Alfred and Plantagenet Fire Department received 120 combination smoke and carbon monoxide alarms through the campaign and &OCSJEHFJOWFTUFE JO1SPKFDU;FSP this year. Since 2009, 34,384 alarms have been provided to Ontario fire departments as part PG1SPKFDU;FSP8IFOQSPQFSMZJOTUBMMFEBOE maintained, combination smoke and carbon monoxide alarms help provide the early war- ning that is needed to safely escape from a house fire or carbon monoxide exposure. Carbon monoxide is a toxic, odourless gas that is a by-product of incomplete com- bustion of many types of common fuels. It is important that all fuel-burning equip- ment be properly maintained to prevent &/#3&'r#3*&'4 ASSOCIATION CANADIENNE-FRANÇAISE DE L’ONTARIO L’ACFO de Prescott et Russell a tenu sa 45e assemblée générale annuelle (AGA) le mardi 19 juin dernier, au Centre d’éducation et de formation de l’est de l’Ontario (CEFEO) à Hawkes- bury, et a dévoilé sa planification stratégique Élise Édimo et Odette Charbonneau-Le- gault ont été réélues pour un mandat supplémentaire. Les membres de la communauté intéressés à se joindre à l’équipe de l’ACFO PR sont invités à écrire à Vision 2021. Jacques Héroux conti- nuera son mandat à la présidence.

i8FIBWFQSPPGUIBUQSFWFOUJPOTBWFT lives,” said Rick Gazda, operations supervi- TPSBU&OCSJEHF(BT%JTUSJCVUJPOi,OPXJOH this, we remain committed to educating our customers about the importance of installing a combination smoke and carbon monoxide alarm, as well as properly maintaining fuel- burning equipment.” This partnership was announced during the July 3 Alfred-Plantagenet Municipal Council meeting, where representatives from &OCSJEHF(BT%JTUSJCVUJPO UIF'JSF.BSTIBMT Public Fire Safety Council and the Alfred and Plantagenet Fire Department were present. “The alarms made possible through Project Zero will be deployed in the most disadvantaged areas of the Municipality,” said Dominic Côté, Alfred and Plantagenet 'JSF%FQBSUNFOUT%JSFDUPSBOE$IJFG'JSF - fighter. “A fire in denser populated areas can have a major impact on adjacent buildings and put more citizens at risk.” &"1OFXTSPPN Re: article titled Stop lights planned for Wendover , published in the July 5 edition of Vision . To the editor: I read this article with interest – thank you GPSTIBSJOHUIJTJOGPSNBUJPO*WFCFFODPN - muting from this area to downtown Ottawa for over 30 years and the whole situation gets worse every year! The fact that we have a two-lane highway all the way into Ottawa, in spite of continued new developments, and in spite of the volume of traffic is problem FOPVHI/PXUIJT I was shocked when the speed limit on a busy highway was dropped to 70 km per hour. This is a highway - it is not a ‘residential TUSFFU-FBSOJOHUIBUXFSFOPXHPJOHUP put up a stop light is even more ridiculous!

Enbridge Gas Distribution, le Conseil public du commissaire des incendies sur la sécurité-incendie et le Service d’incendie Alfred et Plantagenet s’associent pour améliorer la sécurité à la maison. Ce partenariat se déroule dans le cadre de Projet Zéro , une campagne d’éducation publique qui fournit plus de 6600 alarmes aux résidents de 30 municipalités de l’Ontario. Le service des incendies d’Alfred et de Plantagenet a reçu 120 avertisseurs de fumée et de monoxyde de carbone pendant la campagne et Enbridge a investi 200 000 $ dans Projet Zéro cette année. Ici, Stéphane Barbarie, le chef pompier des Services d’incendie d’Alfred-Plantagenet et Rick Gazda, le chef d’équipe des opérations pour Enbridge , lors de la réunion du conseil le 3 juillet. —photo fournie

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: STOP LIGHT IN WENDOVER “RIDICULOUS” I expect that the people crying about there being too much traffic are the people who EPOUFWFOIBWFUPDPNNVUFmUIFZKVTUVTF the highway at their leisure. There are few entranceways/driveways in the stretch in question and reducing the speed limit and adding a stop light simply creates more frustration, more stops and more occasions for accidents. A smooth flow of traffic is much more effective! around intersections. Give us some credit! My thought is that this is just one more TZNQUPNPGUIFQSPCMFNTJO8FOEPWFS5IF UCPR council is listening to a handful of residents, while the remainder of us are completely ignored. The UCPR is cliquish! It caters to the families that have lived here forever and discriminates against others.

The Council of the UCPR need to wake up, look around them and realize that times are changing! People are busy, people are DPNNVUJOHBOEHVFTTXIBU 8FBMMQBZ taxes and we all get a vote!

Complaining about fog at the intersec- UJPOJTBMTPSJEJDVMPVT8IFOGPHHZ JUJT everywhere and drivers are more cautious

Sue Lamothe 8FOEPWFS

Publié le jeudi par • Published on Thursday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398


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