SaskEnergy 2022-23 Sustainability Report

Our sustainability path

Measures and standards: key indicators

2022-23 highlights

Looking ahead

President’s message

About SaskEnergy

Our sustainability framework

Pillar one: Environment

Pillar two: Prosperity

Pillar three: People

Critical energy for a greener Saskatchewan: our commitment to environmental sustainability and stewardship Environmental sustainability and stewardship are key to our success as we meet Saskatchewan’s demand for safe and reliable energy. We also know that our environmental commitments, and the actions we take, are important to our customers and to the communities where we operate. As an energy company, we recognize the important role we have in reducing GHG emissions within our own operations, and in assisting our customers in reducing their environmental footprints. SaskEnergy also promotes environmental stewardship through collaboration with stakeholders, including industry and customers, and through supporting community organizations. Reducing our emissions from operations by 35 per cent by 2030 In 2020-21, we set an ambitious target to reduce our emissions from operations by 35 per cent, from 2019 levels, by 2030. SaskEnergy’s operational emissions include those from our natural gas system and company-owned vehicles, as well as emissions related to heating and powering our offices and facilities. These emissions are measured in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO 2 e). By the end of 2022-23, we’ve reduced our emissions from operations by more than 57,000 tonnes CO 2 e from 2019 levels, or 11.5 per cent, surpassing our target of seven per cent. As we progress on our roadmap to 35 per cent by 2030, SaskEnergy will continue to categorize, prioritize, and execute on projects and activities to address our direct GHG emissions (scope 1 emissions) and our indirect GHG emissions from electricity (scope 2 emissions). Projects are categorized within three priority areas: vent gas reduction, renewable electricity, and optimization.


Vent gas reduction Approximately 25 per cent of our emissions come from venting, whether through gas line maintenance work or from devices that vent gas by design. By conserving and flaring gas, we can have a significant impact on overall scope 1 emissions. Renewable electricity This focus area involves bringing more renewable electricity into our operations. The implementation of renewable electricity is a cost-effective approach to reducing indirect, scope 2 emissions. Optimization SaskEnergy will focus on optimizing our existing operational practices, and our infrastructure, to reduce GHG emissions. This directly impacts scope 1 emissions from operational activities such as venting, flaring, and combustion.

2022-23 Sustainability Report


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