SaskEnergy 2022-23 Sustainability Report

Our sustainability path

Measures and standards: key indicators

2022-23 highlights

Looking ahead

President’s message

About SaskEnergy

Our sustainability framework

Pillar one: Environment

Pillar two: Prosperity

Pillar three: People

Mitigating and addressing spills and releases As part of regulatory reporting requirements, and our commitment to reducing and mitigating spills and releases, SaskEnergy has processes in place to track any liquid spills, mud releases and natural gas releases that occur during our operations. Despite following proper protocols, spills and releases can still happen; however, we have procedures to address spills and releases, including investigating, reporting, and cleaning them up as quickly as possible to minimize their impact to the environment. SaskEnergy experienced four reportable spills and releases during 2022-23. These were all mud releases that occurred during project construction. Drilling mud is a product of horizontal directional drilling activities, which route our gas lines under obstacles or environmentally sensitive areas such as roads, train tracks or wetlands. Typically, drilling mud is composed of water and bentonite, which is an inert swelling clay. Occasionally, underground conditions result in drilling mud making its way to the surface. Environmental monitoring activities are completed such that mud releases are quickly identified, contained, and cleaned up. Supporting organizations that conserve and protect the environment As part of our commitment to the land and the wildlife who make it home, we are proud to support organizations that conserve and protect the environment. Throughout the past 10 years, SaskEnergy has sponsored close to 450 environmental and wildlife initiatives across Saskatchewan. For 25 years, we have sponsored Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), which is Canada’s largest national land conservation organization. This long-standing sponsorship has included nearly $600,000 in cash and in-kind contributions. Most recently, we signed a two-year, $50,000 agreement to support NCC’s work to conserve the biodiversity of the Southwest Sandhills in Saskatchewan. This sponsorship funds research, conservation plans and partnerships that contribute to the sustainable management of the area, including the diverse species who make it home. The Southwest Sandhills areas provides habitat for 39 species at risk. SaskEnergy is also a partner in the Saskatchewan Prairie Conservation Action Plan (PCAP), which works toward a shared vision of conservation of native prairie and species at risk in our province.

BEETLES TAKE A BITE OUT OF INVASIVE PLANTS Leafy spurge is an invasive plant species that can choke out native vegetation or take over farmland and reduce yields. Its sap is also an irritant to humans and animals, causing blistering and rashes when it touches skin. Leafy spurge, which is estimated to have spread over two million hectares in North America, is resistant to many types of herbicides, so other methods are required to get rid of it — such as leafy spurge beetles! The beetles only target leafy spurge and have been used in biocontrol efforts for the weed in Canada since the 1980s. In 2022-23, SaskEnergy provided support to Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) to help monitor the impact of leafy spurge control efforts in the Willner-Elbow pasture and at Douglas Provincial Park. We also sponsored the important work of the Moose Jaw River Watershed Stewards to help with their efforts toward collecting leafy spurge beetles and distributing them to landowners. Supporting organizations such as NCC and the Moose Jaw River Watershed Stewards in protecting our ecosystem aligns with our commitment to environmental sustainability and stewardship. Through our biosecurity policy and program, SaskEnergy works to prevent the spread of leafy spurge and other invasive species in Saskatchewan during our operations.

2022-23 Sustainability Report


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