SaskEnergy 2022-23 Sustainability Report

Our sustainability path

Measures and standards: key indicators

2022-23 highlights

Looking ahead

President’s message

About SaskEnergy

Our sustainability framework

Pillar one: Environment

Pillar two: Prosperity

Pillar three: People

Supporting safety culture through communication, learning and information sharing

At SaskEnergy, one week each year is designated as Safety Stand Up across the organization. This week gives employees the opportunity to “stand up for safety” as they come together to talk about important health and safety issues with senior management. Members of our Executive team attend the sessions at offices and facilities throughout the province and, together with senior leaders, lead safety-focused discussions with staff. Topics such as corporate safety results are covered, and the sessions include time for break-out groups in which employees can discuss and recommend safety topics and ideas, and present their thoughts to their peers and to senior management. This year’s Safety Stand Up week focused on the theme of “Stay Alert to Avoid Being Hurt”. Prior to the sessions taking place, employees were asked to take a picture, or record a video clip, demonstrating how they stay alert to avoid being hurt at home or at work. All submissions were compiled in a video that was shown during each Safety Stand Up session. Part of our safety culture, and keeping safety top of mind, includes encouraging our employees to submit any safety hazards or near-miss incidents to our Health & Safety department, and to management, such that learnings can be shared and any required corrective actions can be implemented. The online submission system, “Report Everything Online” (REO), also assists us in our legal reporting obligations. In 2022-23, we re- designed the homepage of our REO application to provide a more convenient and intuitive experience for our staff. We also began a monthly safety series on our corporate intranet, called “Safety First”, in which stories of hazards or near-misses submitted by employees are shared as articles for all staff and include tips for staying safe. To further support information sharing and discussion regarding safety, we have an internal online safety site called The Muster Point. This platform serves as a digital gathering point that provides practical information to help employees support safety culture, both on the job and at home. In addition to dashboards that display monthly snapshots of our performance on key safety metrics, the site includes a library of safety moments for use in meetings, information on our Occupational Health Committees, links to information and resources, and sections on SaskEnergy’s safety programs. Training is also an important component of our commitment to employee health and safety. SaskEnergy employees complete ongoing training in key areas to maintain current skills, and to learn new skills. This may include formal training, work observations, competency assessments, tabletop exercises, and safety-related collaboration with community and industry partners.

“Safety is important to me, and so what I do to stay alert is recertify my first aid training every three years. The Canadian Red Cross offers standard first aid and CPR along with AED training that can give you the confidence of what to do in the event of an emergency either at work or anywhere in the community. This year the training included a mental health component as well as what to do in the event of an overdose, as these are first aid emergencies that are happening in our province every day. It is important that we stay alert, each and every day, to maintain our personal safety, the safety of our co-workers and customers, and the safety of the people we care about.”

–  Safety Stand Up submission from Rebekah Renneberg, Customer Service Representative, Regina

2022-23 Sustainability Report


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