SaskEnergy 2022-23 Sustainability Report

Our sustainability path

Measures and standards: key indicators

2022-23 highlights

Looking ahead

President’s message

About SaskEnergy

Our sustainability framework

Pillar one: Environment

Pillar two: Prosperity

Pillar three: People

Governance Environmental sustainability, social conscience and strong governance are critical to SaskEnergy as we meet Saskatchewan’s demand for safe and reliable energy. It’s also important to our customers and the communities where we operate. SaskEnergy’s work to encourage and promote ESG principles starts with the stewardship of our organization, through our Board of Directors. ESG principles are embedded into our Board’s oversight of SaskEnergy as part of strategic planning, enterprise risk management, internal controls and objectives setting. The Board provides strategic leadership on ESG initiatives and risks, including environmental sustainability, Indigenous relations, stakeholder engagement, community investment, financial stewardship and employee and public safety. Our Board is committed to high standards of governance that are consistent with regulatory expectations and evolving best practices. We believe that good governance, and being clear about our expectations around governance, supports ethical conduct and allows us to achieve better performance in operating in a sustainable manner. SaskEnergy’s Board is representative of Saskatchewan communities, and members represent community and stakeholder diversity. Our Board provides stewardship, including direction setting and general oversight of our operations management, and oversees and closely monitors our ESG strategies. SaskEnergy’s governance structure supports accountability to our customers, stakeholders, the public and our shareholder. The Board has appointed three committees — the Environmental, Social and Governance Committee, the Audit and Finance Committee, and the Human Resources and Safety Committee — which facilitate efficient conduct of the affairs and business of SaskEnergy.

Women in Leadership Board Chair Vice Chair

58% of Board members 50% of Executive members 38.9% women in management roles

Environmental, Social and Governance Committee The Environmental, Social and Governance Committee provides leadership in relation to governance processes, policies and principles of SaskEnergy and its subsidiary companies. The committee strives to ensure that environmental, social and governance issues are being proactively addressed. Audit and Finance Committee The Audit and Finance Committee advises the Board on issues relating to adequacy and effectiveness of financial reporting, internal controls, management information systems and risk management. Human Resources and Safety Committee The Human Resources and Safety Committee oversees the employment environment of SaskEnergy and has overall responsibility for human resource strategies, compensation and succession planning.

2022-23 Sustainability Report


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