
" $ 5 6 " - * 5 4  r  / & 8 4 RULING SUPPORTS CEMENT PLANT

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Les représentants de Colacem Canada sont heureux des résultats d’une audience du tribunal provincial concernant son projet de cimenterie près de L’Orignal. Le Tribunal d’appel en matière d’urbanisme (TALA) a statué en faveur du projet proposé par la société et a ordonné au canton de Champlain d’approuver le règlement de modification du zonage qui permettrait à la société de poursuivre ses plans de développement pour le projet. —photo Gregg chamberlain


authorizes the municipal clerk to assign BOVNCFS UP UIJTCZMBX GPS SFDPSELFFQJOH purposes.” %VSJOHIJTXSJUUFOTVNNBSZPGUIFDBTF  3PCJOTPOOPUFEUIBUUIFDPNQBOZQSPWJEFE convincing evidence through its reports, pro- KFDUEFTJHOXPSL BOEXJUOFTTUFTUJNPOZUP support its claim that the proposed cement plant would not cause harm to local water supplies for neighbouring properties or create noise pollution or traffic problems for the area. He also determined that the proposed project met provincial planning standards for economic development within a rural area. 3PCJOTPOTUBUFEUIBU"DUJPO$IBNQMBJOT witnesses raised several valid points for the tribunal to consider before making its decision. But he also noted that the group did not QSPWJEFFYQFSUXJUOFTTFTUPSFCVUBMMPGUIF FYQFSUXJUOFTTUFTUJNPOZGPS$PMBDFNBOE that several statements from Action Cham- QMBJOTXJUOFTTFTTVQQPSUFEUIFDPNQBOZT technical claims. Cement plant project $PMBDFN $BOBEB IBT B IFDUBSF QSPQFSUZBMPOH$PVOUZ3PBE TFWFSBM LJMPNFUSFTFBTUPG-0SJHOBM5IFTJUFIBTB RVBSSZUIBUXPVMEQSPWJEFMJNFTUPOFBTUIF main ingredient for a cement production plant. The project has been on hold since +VOFXIJMFCPUI UIFDPNQBOZBOE Action Champlain filed their appeals and prepared their cases before the LPAT hearing last fall. Construction of the cement plant would QSPWJEFKPCTPWFSBUXPPSUISFFZFBS period. The plant, when it begins operation, XPVMEQSPWJEFQFSNBOFOUKPCT “As a reminder,” Bataille said, “the DFNFOUQMBOUQSPKFDU JO-0SJHOBMXJMMVTF UIFMBUFTUUFDIOPMPHZBWBJMBCMFUPCFDPNF BOJOEVTUSZMFBEFSu At present there is no statement from Colacem Canada on when construction might CFHJOPOUIFQSPKFDUPSJGUIFDPNQBOZTUJMM plans to go ahead with its proposal.

Satisfaction and disappointment greeted the announcement of a Local Planning Appeal Tribunal ruling that may have cleared the last legal obstacle to a proposed cement plant project near L’Orignal. “Colacem Canada welcomes the decision of the Ontario Local Planning Appeal Tribu- nal,” said Marc Bataille, Colacem Canada technical director, in an email statement "QSJM SFTQPOEJOH UPB5SJCVOF&YQSFTT SFRVFTUGPSDPNNFOUi*OUIFOFYUGFXEBZT XFXJMMQSPDFFEXJUIBOJOEFQUIBOBMZTJTPG the decision.” i7FSZEJTBQQPJOUJOH uTBJE.BZPS/PS - mand Riopel of Champlain Township during BQIPOFJOUFSWJFXMBTU'SJEBZi8FMMIBWFUP call council (together) to review the issue.” LPAT ruling /JDIPMBT 3PCJOTPO  B -PDBM 1MBOOJOH Appeal Tribunal chairman (LPAT) for the Ontario Land Tribunals office, presided over IFBSJOHTEVSJOH/PWFNCFSBOE%FDFNCFS MBTUZFBSPO$BTF1- XIJDIDPODFS - ned appeals of local planning decisions EFBMJOHXJUI$PMBDFN$BOBEB-UETQSPQPTFE DFNFOUQMBOUQSPKFDUBMPOH$PVOUZ3PBE OFBSUIFWJMMBHFPG-0SJHOBM 5IFDPNQBOZXBTBQQFBMJOHBEFDJTJPOCZ Champlain Township against the project while Action Champlain, a local citizens group, was appealing a decision of the United Counties of Prescott-Russell (UCPR) in favour of it. Robinson issued his decision on the case April 12 in a 69-page report that supports UIFDPNQBOZTTJEFPOUIFJTTVF i5IFUSJCVOBMPSEFSTUIBUUIFBQQFBMCZ Action Champlain is dismissed and amend- NFOUOVNCFSUPUIF6OJUFE$PVOUJFTPG Prescott and Russell Official Plan is appro- ved,” stated Robinson. “The tribunal orders UIBUUIFBQQFBMCZ$PMBDFNJTBMMPXFEBOE $IBNQMBJO5PXOTIJQ CZMBXOVNCFS JTBNFOEFEJOUIFNBOOFSHFOFSBMMZTFU out in Attachment 1 to this order. The tribunal

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