Project: Adelaide reaps bumper crop of charges Police beat gŏđŏ
OTTAWA | Nine people face drug charges as a result of a joint police operation in Eastern Ontario. OPP officers and members of the Sûreté du Québec joined forces on Project: Ad- elaide, an 11-month organized crime inves- tigation focusing on a cocaine operation that was trafficking in small communities in Eastern Ontario. Five Ontario resident and four from Québec now face a variety of charges ranging from drug trafficking to extortion. Viorel Gheorghevici, 44, of Ottawa, is charged with conspiracy to commit an in- dictable offence, possession of the proceeds of crime, cocaine trafficking, five counts of possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking, participating in a criminal orga- nization, and commission an offence for a criminal organization. David John Mayne Bullen, 45, of Lom- bardy, ON, is charged with conspiracy to commit an indictable office, counselling to commit extortion, instructing a criminal organization, participating in a criminal or- ganization, commissioning an offence for a criminal organization, possession of the proceeds of crime, and cocaine trafficking. Michel Côté, 54, of Amherst, QC, is charged with conspiracy to commit an indictable offence, instructing a criminal organization, participating in a criminal or- ganization, commissioning an offence for a criminal organization, possession of the proceeds of crime, cocaine trafficking, and
possession of cocaine for trafficking. Jordan McGregor, 24, of Ottawa, Charles Ethier, 47, of Amherst, QC, Ross McCoy, 45, of Stittsville, ON, Richard Perron, 43, of L’Assomption, QC, Michel Pedneault, 50, of Blainville, QC, and Ryan Jones, 44, of Smith Falls, ON, each face single counts of con- spiracy to commit an indictable offence, possession of the proceeds of crime, co- caine trafficking, possession of cocaine for trafficking, participating in a criminal orga- nization, and commission of an offence for a criminal organization. Bullen, Perron and Pednault also have outstanding arrest war- rants for other offences. The investigation began November 2012 with the OPP Organized Crime Enforce- ment Bureau (OCEB) looking into reports of an organized cocaine trafficking operation in Eastern Ontario that targeted small com-
munities. The OCEB linked with the Sûreté as the investigation indicated the operation spanned Eastern Ontario and Western Qué- bec. It involved cocaine shipped to Montré- al getting transferred to Mont-Tremblant, QC for cutting and re-packaging then re- shipped and distributed to local traffickers in Ottawa, Carleton Place, Perth, Stittsville, Lombardy, and Smiths Falls. During the investigation police uncov- ered evidence of extortion and loan sharing activities, an alleged $1.2 million mortgage fraud, and a $10 million money-laundering scheme using several “shell” companies. On Oct. 16 armed with search warrants, police raided 18 homes and businesses in Ontario and seven in Québec. They seized 2.5 kilograms of cocaine, one-and-a-half kilograms of hashish, a handgun, seven motor vehicles, and more than $400,000 in cash. They also took possession of one resi- dence under the “proceeds of crime” law, and will be taking possession of a Robinson R44 helicopter.
Photos OPP
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