Kent Police Head of Estates - Behaviours

Behaviours: Analyse Critically (Level 3)

I balance risks, costs and benefits associated with decisions, thinking about the wider impact and how actions are seen in that context. I think through 'what if' scenarios. I use discretion wisely in making decisions, knowing when the 'tried and tested' is not always the most appropriate and being willing to challenge the status quo when beneficial. I seek to identify the key reasons or incidents behind issues, even in ambiguous or unclear situations. I use my knowledge of the wider external environment and long-term situations to inform effective decision making. I acknowledge that some decisions may represent a significant change. I think about the best way to introduce such decisions and win support. Collaborative (Level 3) I am politically aware and I understand formal and informal politics at the national level and what this means for our partners. This allows me to create long-term links and work effectively within decision-making structures. I remove practical barriers to collaboration to enable others to take practical steps in building relationships outside the organisation and in other sectors (public, not for profit, and private). I take the lead in partnerships when appropriate and set the way in which partner organisations from all sectors interact with the police. This allows the police to play a major role in the delivery of services to communities. I create an environment where partnership working flourishes and creates tangible benefits for all. Deliver, Support and Inspire (Level 3) I challenge myself and others to bear in mind the police service's vision to provide the best possible service in every decision made. I communicate how the overall vision links to specific plans and objectives so that people are motivated and clearly understand our goals. I ensure that everyone understands their role in helping the police service to achieve this vision. I anticipate and identify organisational barriers that stop the police service from meeting its goals, by putting in place contingencies or removing these. I monitor changes in the external environment, taking actions to influence where possible to ensure positive outcomes. I demonstrate long-term strategic thinking, going beyond personal goals and considering how the police service operates in the broader societal and economic environment. I ensure that my decisions balance the needs of my own force/unit with those of the wider police service and external partners. I motivate and inspire others to deliver challenging goals.

Emotionally Aware (Level 3) I seek to understand the longer-term reasons for organisational behaviour. This enables me to adapt and change organisational cultures when appropriate. I actively ensure a supportive organisational culture that recognises and values diversity and well being and challenges intolerance. I understand internal and external politics and I am able to wield influence effectively, tailoring my actions to achieve the impact needed. I am able to see things from a variety of perspectives and I use this knowledge to challenge my own thinking, values and assumptions. I ensure that all perspectives inform decision making and communicate the reasons behind decisions in a way that is clear and compelling. Innovative and Open-minded (Level 3) I implement, test and communicate new and far-reaching ways of working that can radically change our organisational cultures, attitudes and performance. I provide space and encouragement to help others stand back from day-to-day activities, in order to review their direction, approach and how they fundamentally see their role in policing. This helps them to adopt fresh perspectives and identify improvements. I work to create an innovative learning culture, recognising and promoting innovative activities. I lead, test and implement new, complex and creative initiatives that involve multiple stakeholders, create significant impact and drive innovation outside of my immediate sphere. I carry accountability for ensuring that the police service remains up to date and at the forefront of global policing. Take Ownership (Level 3) I act as a role model, and enable the organisation to use instances when things go wrong as an opportunity to learn rather than blame. I foster a culture of personal responsibility, encouraging and supporting others to make their own decisions and take ownership of their activities. I define and enforce the standards and processes that will help this to happen. I put in place measures that will allow others to take responsibility effectively when I delegate decision making, and at the same time I help them to improve their performance. I create the circumstances (culture and process) that will enable people to undertake development opportunities and improve their performance. I take an organisation-wide view, acknowledging where improvements can be made and taking responsibility for making these happen. I take into account individual needs and requirements in all of my actions. I understand that treating everyone fairly does not mean everyone is treated the same. I always give people an equal opportunity to express their views. I communicate with everyone, making sure the most relevant message is provided to all. I value everyone's views and opinions by actively listening to understand their perspective. I make fair and objective decisions using the best available evidence. I enable everyone to have equal access to services and information, where appropriate. Integrity (Accredited) I always act in line with the values of the police service and the Code of Ethics for the benefit of the public. I demonstrate courage in doing the right thing, even in challenging situations. I enhance the reputation of my organisation and the wider police service through my actions and behaviours. I challenge colleagues whose behaviour, attitude and language falls below the public's and the service's expectations. I am open and responsive to challenge about my actions and words. I declare any conflicts of interest at the earliest opportunity. I am respectful of the authority and influence my position gives me. I use resources effectively and efficiently and not for personal benefit. Public Service (Accredited) I act in the interest of the public, first and foremost. I am motivated by serving the public, ensuring that I provide the best service possible at all times. I seek to understand the needs of others to act in their best interests. I adapt to address the needs and concerns of different communities. I tailor my communication to Values: Impartiality (Accredited)

be appropriate and respectful to my audience. I take into consideration how others want to be treated when interacting with them. I treat people respectfully regardless of the circumstances. I share credit with everyone involved in delivering services. Transparency (Accredited) I ensure that my decision-making rationale is clear and considered so that it is easily understood by others. I am clear and comprehensive when communicating with others. I am open and honest about my areas for development and I strive to improve. I give an accurate representation of my actions and records. I recognise the value of feedback and act on it. I give constructive and accurate feedback. I represent the opinions of others accurately and consistently. I am consistent and truthful in my communications. I maintain confidentiality appropriately. Understands the principles of devolved financial management and demonstrates the ability to correctly interpret associated reports and information. Is able to accurately forecast budget outturns. Demonstrates knowledge of costing techniques that allow best value comparisons to be made when evaluating proposals, projects, operations and business plans Estates - Capital (Level 7) Demonstrates seasoned professional skills and exercises a major influence on the Force's capital programme policies and strategy. Advises senior managers in optimising the operational and financial value to the Force of all capital assets, disposals and acquisitions. Estates - Management (Level 6) Understands the principles of estates / property management and related financial and project management, and demonstrates the ability to correctly interpret associated reports and information and manage the estate. Is able to advise and influence senior managers on policy choices and best practice. Estates - Revenue (Level 7) Not applicable. Level 6 is the highest level for this skill. Health & Safety (Level 5) Has received training which enables the effective completion of risk assessments and Health and Safety inspections of premises. Identifies defects or hazards and takes action to resolve any apparent health and safety issues within an area or department. Fully accepts responsibility for the safety of members of staff, as well as visitors and contractors. Monitors the application of health and safety related procedures for the area or department. Possession of a certificate level qualification in Health and Safety is desirable. Know. of Police Environment & Policy (Level 6) Possesses a broad and wide ranging knowledge of the police service, legislation and policy which is consistent with the demand for strategic influence in respect of particular areas of activity. Will have formed a reliable network of contacts, nationally and locally, which can be used to support and enhance developmental initiatives. Mgmt of Police Information (MOPI) (Level 5) Has sufficient understanding of the NPCC records management policies be able to offer appropriate guidance and support to staff. Is able to identify the appropriate MOPI group for any record with a policing purpose and ensure that all policing records within the team are retained, reviewed or destroyed in line with the MOPI codes of practice. Quality assures staff to ensure a full understanding and compliance with the APP for Information Management (incorporating MOPI guidance), highlighting failings and taking appropriate action as required. Ensures training and / or refresher training is provided and completed. Ensures that systems are correctly linked together to ensure effective management and recording of information across systems. Appropriately reviews digital information held on system(s) and physical records in storage to ensure that they are retained only where there is a policing purpose. Complies with relevant policies and procedures in respect of prioritisation, sanitisation, dissemination, sharing, relevancy, accuracy, adequacy and timeliness. Office Technology (Level 4) Technical skills: Budget Management (Level 6)

Demonstrates advanced skills in the use of one or more office software products Able to use these packages to enhance the quality or presentation of work required within the role. Manages data files and file structures. Provides on the job training and guidance to other staff in the use of specific or specialist software, if required. Familiar with established IT rules and protocols and shows a good understanding of data protection requirements. Project Management (Level 5) Able to initiate project plans and procure resources for projects which span Division or Departmental boundaries. Able to use estimating techniques and develop risk management approaches. Demonstrates an in depth and practical understanding of how to maximise the effectiveness of project teams. Able to prioritise activities within the project. Effectively controls costs and project budgets. Able to liaise with business sponsors and fully understands the business issues and impact on benefits management. Risk Management (Level 6) Able to anticipate, accurately define and establish the relative level of risk arising from events likely to affect the Force and its relationship with local communities. Responsible for addressing or accepting tactical vulnerabilities in the context of achieving local Force objectives; balancing multiple, potentially competing risks; and implement changes to policies, working practices and standard operating procedures as required. Identifies and challenges risks arising from collaborative and partnership arrangements. Has an appreciation that seizing opportunities also generates risks.

National Occupational Standards: AA1 (Level Accredited) Promote equality and value diversity. AA2 (Level Accredited) Develop a culture and systems that promote equality and value diversity.

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