Kent Police Head of Estates - Behaviours

Emotionally Aware (Level 3) I seek to understand the longer-term reasons for organisational behaviour. This enables me to adapt and change organisational cultures when appropriate. I actively ensure a supportive organisational culture that recognises and values diversity and well being and challenges intolerance. I understand internal and external politics and I am able to wield influence effectively, tailoring my actions to achieve the impact needed. I am able to see things from a variety of perspectives and I use this knowledge to challenge my own thinking, values and assumptions. I ensure that all perspectives inform decision making and communicate the reasons behind decisions in a way that is clear and compelling. Innovative and Open-minded (Level 3) I implement, test and communicate new and far-reaching ways of working that can radically change our organisational cultures, attitudes and performance. I provide space and encouragement to help others stand back from day-to-day activities, in order to review their direction, approach and how they fundamentally see their role in policing. This helps them to adopt fresh perspectives and identify improvements. I work to create an innovative learning culture, recognising and promoting innovative activities. I lead, test and implement new, complex and creative initiatives that involve multiple stakeholders, create significant impact and drive innovation outside of my immediate sphere. I carry accountability for ensuring that the police service remains up to date and at the forefront of global policing. Take Ownership (Level 3) I act as a role model, and enable the organisation to use instances when things go wrong as an opportunity to learn rather than blame. I foster a culture of personal responsibility, encouraging and supporting others to make their own decisions and take ownership of their activities. I define and enforce the standards and processes that will help this to happen. I put in place measures that will allow others to take responsibility effectively when I delegate decision making, and at the same time I help them to improve their performance. I create the circumstances (culture and process) that will enable people to undertake development opportunities and improve their performance. I take an organisation-wide view, acknowledging where improvements can be made and taking responsibility for making these happen. I take into account individual needs and requirements in all of my actions. I understand that treating everyone fairly does not mean everyone is treated the same. I always give people an equal opportunity to express their views. I communicate with everyone, making sure the most relevant message is provided to all. I value everyone's views and opinions by actively listening to understand their perspective. I make fair and objective decisions using the best available evidence. I enable everyone to have equal access to services and information, where appropriate. Integrity (Accredited) I always act in line with the values of the police service and the Code of Ethics for the benefit of the public. I demonstrate courage in doing the right thing, even in challenging situations. I enhance the reputation of my organisation and the wider police service through my actions and behaviours. I challenge colleagues whose behaviour, attitude and language falls below the public's and the service's expectations. I am open and responsive to challenge about my actions and words. I declare any conflicts of interest at the earliest opportunity. I am respectful of the authority and influence my position gives me. I use resources effectively and efficiently and not for personal benefit. Public Service (Accredited) I act in the interest of the public, first and foremost. I am motivated by serving the public, ensuring that I provide the best service possible at all times. I seek to understand the needs of others to act in their best interests. I adapt to address the needs and concerns of different communities. I tailor my communication to Values: Impartiality (Accredited)

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