Complete PT. Walk Again Without Pain_English

Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

WALK AGAIN WITHOUT PAIN “You Can Handle Anything Life Throws At You!” Your ability to walk is an amazingly complex system of muscles, nerves, and joints working in harmony. If you suffer from hip, knee, or leg pain, the normal movement of this complicated system has been affected in one way or another. Managing Your Knee and Hip Pain

Knee or hip pain can occur for many reasons, but is a mechanical problem, meaning that the joint and muscles supporting it are not functioning properly. Even though a person has arthritis in their joint, it doesn’t mean that they will have pain from it. Pain and inflammation only begin when the joint doesn’t move properly and pressures increase. Many knee problems come from poor tracking of the kneecap or patella. The kneecap has to move up and down in the groove on the femur bone when you bend your knee. It is also where your strong thigh muscles attach. The kneecap sits on fat pads that provide cushioning. However, when the tissue around the kneecap becomes tighter, the kneecap presses further into the fat pads, making them irritated and thicker over time. This affects the normal flow of joint fluid around the inside of the knee and actually dries out the knee over time causing more friction and pain. ELIZABETH CLINIC IS MOVING! We’re moving to provide more space and even better services to our physical therapy patients. We are moving to a new suite in our building. Our new suite number is 212! Stop by and say hi!

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