NSLHD News October 10 2019

message FROM the chairman Trevor Danos

I always look forward to attending the district’s Exceptional People Awards and this year’s event was, exceptional! The day just confirmed to everyone in attendance that we have such diverse and talented staff and volunteers who are committed to driving change within our organisation to improve the health and wellbeing of our patients and communities. With Kirribilli and the Sydney Harbour as the backdrop, the afternoon was thoroughly enjoyable hearing about the inspiring projects and the teamwork occurring around the district. Congratulations to all the winners and finalists in this year’s awards. It was such a privilege to be able to attend and recognise all the hard work by the district’s staff and volunteers. To everyone who was nominated, your efforts are so important for us to achieve great outcomes for our patients and consumers. I had the pleasure of being able to present the awards in our CORE Values and Behaviours category. It is awarded to teams or individuals who consistently demonstrate positive behaviours that align with the NSW Health CORE Values of Collaboration, Openness, Respect and Empowerment.

The award recognises those seeking to continue to build a more positive culture by living the CORE Values, which underpin everything we do. I would also like to extend a thank you to our sponsors, AMP Capital, Dexus, First State Super and Ventia who generously contributed to the event and helped make it a success. With the weather warming up and the official flu season over, I would like to thank all our frontline staff and our emergency departments who have had to contend with an exceptionally busy flu season. Everyone has done a tremendous job of coping with the extra demand placed on our services.

Trevor Danos AM

Board Chair Northern Sydney Local Health District


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