NSLHD News October 10 2019

Crane named as kids turn construction workers A career in construction beckons for some of the children from the paediatrics ward at Royal North Shore Hospital. It was all part of the name the crane competition, organised by Dexus and Roberts Pizzarotti, which was won by six- year-old Tom Cooley for his suggestion of Pick Up. At the awards presentation, Tom and colouring in winner Abdullah Kabil had the opportunity to take charge of the crane via the radio. Runner-up Destiny Murray, who suggested the name Munun (Aboriginal word meaning big) also got to have a spin, as did Zane Madon who claimed second place in the colouring in competition. Kester Tsui was the last to don the hard hat and take over as supervisor after claiming the title of crane enthusiast, After putting the team at the Dexus site on Westbourne Street through their paces, the new bosses knocked off for some hard earned play time.

Name the Crane winner Tom Cooley, 6, gives his orders to the crane operator over the radio

Putting patient safety first for new Director of Clinical Governance

NSLHD has a new Director of Clinical Goverannce, Mark Zacka, and he is looking forward to working with staff to make our hospitals and services safer.

worked at the St Vincent’s Health Network and prior to that was also the Director of Clinical Goverance at South Western Sydney Local Health District. “I am looking forward to building on the great work that has already been done here in Northern Sydney to improve patient safety and quality improvement,” he said. Mark’s office is located on level 5 of the Douglas Building at RNSH.

With more than 30 years experience working in a range of roles across the

healthcare system, Mark has extensive experience in clinical governance, particularly in the areas of pateint safety and clinical quality improvement.

Mark Zacka recently started his tenure at Northern Sydney Local Health District

Before joining NSLHD, Mark



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