The Definitive Guide to Cross-Selling Life Insurance

The life insurance

conversation When a customer is buying a home and shopping for homeowners insurance, it’s a natural time to bring up life insurance.

Life insurance can be a personal topic, but it doesn’t have to be hard, and it can help position you as a trusted partner. After all, while they’re insuring against risks to their property, wouldn’t they want to insure against risks to their family? Usually, your clients are required to buy home and auto protection. So life insurance can feel like a luxury. That’s why it’s important your clients understand their vulnerability. How to open the conversation Let them know you’d like to talk about mortgage protection for a moment, to make sure their family has flexibility and options. Life insurance protection means their family can stay in their new home and remain financially stable if something happened to a breadwinner, or even a stay-at-home parent. The tax-free proceeds of the policy could be used to pay off debt, meet day to day expenses and fund future dreams, such as educational goals. Remember, you’re protecting families. And you’re offering your clients the peace of mind that their loved ones will never be plunged into financial chaos due to an unexpected death.

Open the conversation with questions like:

“If something unexpected happened to you, would you want your family to remain in your home?”

“Do you have a plan for how your significant other would make the mortgage payments?”

“Do you foresee any major family expenses in the next 10-20 years, such as college tuition?”

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