The Definitive Guide to Cross-Selling Life Insurance

It’s go time When you’re ready to research digital life insurance partners, look for a provider you can stand behind. You’ll want a provider who works with top-rated carriers, enjoys high customer service ratings, and offers strong support for P&C agents.

*A note about soliciting life insurance If you’re not life licensed, you can’t quote, solicit or sell life insurance. But you can still let your clients know you’re able to refer or connect them with a trusted life insurance partner. At Ethos, we offer every agent a unique referral URL that can be shared with clients to start an application. Ethos handles quoting and sales, and all policy activations made through this link generate trackable earnings.

Once you decide on a digital life insurance provider, make sure every client knows:

Bring it up with every client who’s shopping for homeowners insurance

Email your current book of business*

Launch a digital marketing campaign to amplify your reach*

Nearly one third of consumers (31%) say the pandemic has made them more likely to buy life insurance 1 .

That means many of your home and auto clients are already thinking about it. They may not know where to start, and have held back due to lack of time, or concerns about the cost and hassle. Stress the speed, the simplicity, and the high approval rates that come with your new offering. It could be just the nudge they need. Set a small goal, such as an attach rate, campaign conversion rate, or referrals made in a specific timeframe. As you learn what works, you can apply your insights to scale your business to heights that were never possible before.

1 2021 Insurance Barometer Study, Life Happens & LIMRA

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